WMWG Meeting

March 25, 2019
09:45 AM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 206
Teleconference: 877-668-4493
Meeting number: 623 711 983
Meeting password: Meetings


The WMWG meeting will begin immediately following the CMWG meeting and will use the same WebEx information.



Antitrust Admonition

D. Detelich

10:30 a.m.


Real-Time On-Line Reliability Deployment Price Adder

D. Detelich/ ERCOT


Comparison of Proposed Changes to Relaxation and Pricing Run Triggering


NPRR904, Revisions to Real-Time On-Line Reliability Deployment Price Adder for ERCOT-Directed Actions Related to DC Ties


Review latest comments


Develop options and recommendations for WMS



Monthly Review



Board Market Operations Material


SASM/Manual Override Activity


Commercial Impacts of DC Tie Curtailments


Intra-Hour Wind Forecast Accuracy



Next Steps for NPRR664: Fuel Index Price for Resource Definition and Real-Time Make-Whole Payments for Exceptional Fuel Cost Events

I. Gonzalez



High Revenue Neutrality Allocation (RENA): Final report for 2018




Open Action Items Review

D. Detelich

2:00 p.m.


Should it be considered closed?


Ranking the open items


Complexity of the item


Urgency of the item



Other business

D. Detelich



D. Detelich

3:30 p.m.


Future Meetings - April 22, 2019


Open Action Items


Directive #7 (Southern Cross Transmission Assignment) – Congestion Management

On Hold

Concept for Nodal Pricing for Non-Modeled Generators and Registered Distributed Generation (DG)


Switchable Generation Resource Demand Side Working Group (DSWG) Whitepaper - include notification requirements of Resources switchable to other Control Areas

On Hold

Constraint Definitions

contingencies where resource nodes are isolated

Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC) commitments:

• Identify specific NERC obligations to Justify a RUC

• Limitations for delay of decision to RUC.

o If tipping scale in favor of delay, what is mechanism

• Should Ancillary Services penalty curves for RUC be modified

• Prescreen info for operators

• Impact to market and mechanisms to mitigate impacts


Review concept of establishing a minimum threshold to post Total Wholesale Storage Load (WSL), utilization of Real-Time telemetry, and Resource disclosures


Review the issues of RENA and Load Distribution Factors (LDFs) and price floors


Deep Dive of potential issues in the Low System-Wide Offer Cap (LCAP) Methodology if cumulative Peaker Net Margin (PNM) exceeds $315,000/Megawatts (MW) year and there are insufficient Ancillary Service offers in the Day-Ahead Market (DAM)


TAC Assignment: Review the commercial impacts of DC Tie Curtailments


NPRR838, Updated O&M Cost for RMR Resources


NPRR872, Modifying the SASM Shadow Price Cap


Market Issues related to compensation for Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC) Switchable Generation Resources


Workshop: Must Run Alternative (MRA) and Load Resource deployments for Local Congestion


Next Steps for NPRR664: Fuel Index Price for Resource Definition and Real-Time Make-Whole Payments for Exceptional Fuel Cost Events -


Review price formation impacts from ERCOT out-of-market actions related to DC Ties, including the Operating Reserve Demand Curve (ORDC) price adders and the impacts on Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) from the Real-Time On-Line Reliability Deployment Price Adder


Review a comprehensive analysis of the impacts of NPRR864 from ERCOT and review the information in the RUC report and provide recommendations to WMS


Look at performance of Reliability Deployment Price Adder during the RUC events on 10/4/18 ask that ERCOT prepare a detailed review - specifically fluctuations of the adder between zero and non-zero values that aren’t intuitive, and review the methodology to calculate the adder.


Market Suspension and Restart – Gaps and other issues that NPRR 850 did not address; restart mechanics and pricing impacts

New item

Scheduled WMWG Meetings

Key Documents

Mar 28, 2019 - pptx - 251.7 KB
Mar 22, 2019 - pptx - 408.1 KB
Mar 21, 2019 - pptx - 675.4 KB
Mar 21, 2019 - pptx - 82.9 KB
Mar 18, 2019 - pptx - 104.7 KB
Mar 21, 2019 - pptx - 297.8 KB
Mar 4, 2019 - xlsx - 212.4 KB
Mar 4, 2019 - xlsx - 472.5 KB
Mar 25, 2019 - ppt - 191 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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