Texas SET WG Meeting by WebEx Only

March 26, 2020
09:30 AM
Teleconference: 877-668-4493
Meeting number: 629 651 510
Meeting password: TXSET

  • Antitrust Admonition
  • Introductions
  • Minutes: February
  • Change Control Call (10AM)
    • CC 2020_810
    • CC 2020_811
    • Flight Update
    • Projects
        • NAESB 1.2 Update (If Available)
        • EDI Translator Update
          • TXSET_Questions_EDIV9 Doc
  • RMS Update
    • Recap: Mass Transition Testing Workshop
    • Notice given for a proposed Settlements Timelines Workshop
    • Email vote endorsed RMGRR163, Discontinue Generation of Legacy Retail Reports
    • Summer Preparedness Workshop
  • TEXAS SET Enhancement Matrix
    • 4.0A Change Controls
        • Update(s) on any assignment(s)
    • Future Release Change Controls
        • Outage Alert Submission
        • Premise Attributes
        • CSA Start End
        • County Code
  • Lunch (12pm-1pm)
  • COVID19 Discussion
    • 810_02 SAC04 Discussion
    • 650_02 Reject Discussion
  • TEXAS SET Issues (If necessary)
  • Wrap Up
    • Discuss Next Meeting
  • Adjourn

Scheduled TXSET Meetings

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