Steady State Working Group (SSWG) Meeting by WebEx only

April 03, 2013
09:30 AM - 12:00 PM

For WebEx information, please contact SSWG Chair Julius Horvath



Antitrust Admonition

J. Horvath

9:30 a.m.


13DSA/DSB March TPIT Updates

A.    Calendar has been updated with proposed dates in red

B.     Start with TSPs submitting MOD updates on 04/12

C.     Finish with ERCOT posting on 05/17

K. Dye



14DSA Case Build

A.     PGRR0018

1.  Addition of New Generation

2.  Adds proposed Generation Resources to   the planning models only after the Interconnecting Entity (IE) has first:

a. Notified ERCOT that it has given the Transmission Service Provider (TSP) a financial commitment sufficient to fund the interconnection facilities and Notice to proceed with the construction of the interconnection;

b. Notified ERCOT that it has obtained all requisite air permits from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ); and

c. Demonstrated that it has obtained the rights to sufficient water to operate the facility.  This PGRR also requires the IE to submit all data necessary for including the proposed Generation Resource in the planning models.

B.      DSA Meeting

1.  June 11 13 at ERCOT Taylor (TCC1)

2.  Room 253 holds 30 people

3.  Room 254 only holds 15 people

4.  Business Meeting Discussion Items

a. SSWG Procedure Manual Revisions

b. SCR760 Bundles 4 review, data entry timeline, and data entry documentation

c. TSP MOD cleanup and data entry progress review

D. Dye

J. Teixeira









J. Horvath



Other Topics

A.     March TPIT data and the user-defined fields for TPIT in the MOD production environment

B.     PGRRs Affecting SSWG Procedure Manual

1.  PGRR0024

a. Planning Assumptions and Performance Criteria

b. ERCOT Board Approval

2.  PGRR0026

a. 6-year out case

b. ERCOT Board Approval

C.     Future Year Seasonal (HWLL) Cases

1.  Annual Build

2.  No TPIT Updates

D.    Open

J. Teixeira










J. Horvath





 12:00 p.m.

Scheduled SSWG Meetings

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