TAC Meeting

April 07, 2005
09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
McKinney Roughs
1884 State Highway 71 West
TX 78612



Antitrust Admonition

R. Comstock

9:30 a.m.


Approval of the Draft February 3, 2005 and March 3, 2005 Meeting Minutes (Vote)*

R. Comstock

9:35 a.m.


ERCOT Board Update

R. Comstock

9:40 a.m.


The Texas Consortium for Electric Energy

M. Kezunovic

9:50 a.m.


Protocol Revisions Subcommittee Report *

  • Protocol Revision Request Remanded by the Board
    • PRR 540 -- OOM Cost Recovery Clarification Process (Possible Vote)*
  • Protocol Revision Requests
    • PRR552 -- Appropriate Use of  Relaxed Balanced Schedules (Vote)*
    • PRR565 -- Calculation of Losses for Settlement (Vote)*
    • PRR569 -- Revision to Balancing Energy Payments from a Specific Resource (Vote)*
    • PRR570 -- Clarification of Settlements of Local Congestion Costs (Vote)*
    • PRR571 -- Balancing Energy Bid Cap (Vote)*
    • PRR579 -- Trading Hubs Language Correction (Vote)*
  • Prioritization of Projects for Approved PRRs
    • PRR 525 -- SCE Performance and Monitoring (Vote)*
    • PRR 558 -- Market Notice of LaaR Proration (Vote)*

K. Gresham

10:20 a.m.


Commercial Operations Subcommittee Report

  • Impact of ADR/Data Corrections Dispute Update

BJ Flowers
R. Comstock

11:40 a.m.



12:00 p.m.


Guidelines for Classification of Information

R. Gruber

1:00 p.m.


Reliability and Operations Subcommittee Report *

  • Reliable Fuel Operations - Revision of ERCOT Emergency Procedures
  • OGRR 156 -- Reactive Considerations due to PRR 409 (Vote)*
  • OGRR 162 -- Revisions to Disturbance Monitoring (Vote)*
  • OGRR 161 -- Responsive Reserve MW Limit -- Rejected by ROS (Withdrawn by Submitter)*

R. Keetch


1:15 p.m.



Retail Market Subcommittee Report*

  • LPGRR 2005-001 -- Sync LPG to Protocol Revisions (Vote)*
  • RMGRR 021 -- Municipal and Cooperative Disconnect Reconnect Process Guide (Vote)*

T. Weathersbee

1:45 p.m.



ERCOT Reserve Margin/Generation Adequacy Task Force Recommendation (Vote)*

S. Madden

2:00 p.m.


Revised TAC Procedures Discussion (Possible Vote)*

C. Moseley

3:00 p.m.


Wholesale Market Subcommittee Report*

  • Elimination of Capacity with Open Breaker from Bid Stack

B. Helton

3:30 p.m.


Operations Update*

S. Jones

3:50 p.m.


Texas Nodal Team Update *

J. Galvin

4:00 p.m.


Other Business

R. Comstock

4:30 p.m.


Future TAC Meetings

  • May 5, 2005
  • June 9, 2005

R. Comstock





R. Comstock


Scheduled TAC Meetings

Key Documents

May 23, 2005 - zip - 6.3 MB
Apr 5, 2005 - ppt - 121.5 KB
Mar 31, 2005 - doc - 138.5 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - ppt - 83.5 KB
Mar 31, 2005 - doc - 177.5 KB
Meeting Agenda
TAC Meeting Agenda (April 7, 2005)
Mar 31, 2005 - doc - 116.5 KB
Meeting Minutes
TAC Meeting Minutes (April 7, 2005)
May 23, 2005 - doc - 158.5 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 46.5 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 52.5 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 50.5 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 43.5 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 48.5 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 105.5 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 107 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 186.5 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 42 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 40 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 81 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 41.5 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 70 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 75.5 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 46 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 109 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 40.5 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 120.5 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 38.5 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 95 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 39 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 68.5 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 39.5 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 291 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 60.5 KB
Apr 4, 2005 - doc - 177.5 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - doc - 39.5 KB
Apr 5, 2005 - doc - 29 KB
Apr 1, 2005 - ppt - 335 KB
Apr 4, 2005 - ppt - 275 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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