TDTWG Conference Call

April 08, 2009
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Dial-In: 512.225.7280
Dial-In Code: 4743


Agenda Item

Leading Discussion


  • Introductions
  • Review of Agenda
  • Antitrust Statement

ANTITRUST GUIDELINES FOR MEMBERS OF ERCOT COMMITTEES, SUBCOMMITTEES AND WORKING GROUPS It is ERCOT’s policy and expectation that all persons participating in ERCOT activities (including all ERCOT meetings, committee meetings, conference calls, email communications and informal discussions) comply with the antitrust laws.  These Antitrust Guidelines are designed to assist members of and participants in ERCOT committees and working groups in recognizing conduct that may violate the antitrust laws.  ERCOT strictly prohibits market participants and their employees who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT activities as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the antitrust laws.

Johnny Robertson

02:00 PM

ERCOT System Instances (Outages and Failures)- review

·         Trey to follow up on why March 22 24 outage was not reported until March 24.

Tim Ebbers

2:05 PM

Review RMGRR for revised scope.    RMGRR074

Johnny Robertson

2:25  PM

TDTWG website combination of MMWG website, review links and presentation view.


2:35 PM

Review SLA,       

      API Update 8.0 seconds

       MT GUI: .5 seconds

Trey to send raw data of historical trends for SLA analysis to applicable recipients.

Trey Felton, All

2:45 PM

    Need to provide to RMS:

·         Compatibility matrix

·         Change of wording for SLA

·         Addition of section 4

Johnny Robertson


Configuration Guide review and approval  IE 7.0 or greater

Dave Farley

3:15 PM

RMS update PPT report

Annette Morton

3:30 PM


Johnny Robertson

04:00 PM

Future Meeting Dates:

April 8, phone conference.

May 6, phone conference.

June 3, face-to-face.

July 8, phone conference.

August 5, phone conference.

September 2, face-to-face.

October 7, phone conference.

November 4, phone conference.

December 2, face-to-face.



Scheduled TDTWG Meetings

Key Documents

Apr 6, 2009 - doc - 49 KB
Apr 7, 2009 - ppt - 1.1 MB
Apr 7, 2009 - doc - 374 KB
Apr 7, 2009 - doc - 1.1 MB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.