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BAL-001-TRE Standard Drafting Team WebEx |
May 15, 2009
08:30 AM - 04:30 PM |
Teleconference: 866-469-3239
Meeting number: 356 550 050
Meeting password: CPS2gobyebye!!00
This team meeting is not an extension of the public comment period. Public comments were formally submitted during the 30-day public comment period March 16-April 14, 2009, on draft BAL-001-TRE-01. On May 4, the team began the assigned task of formally writing responses to the written comments. At this Web Ex meeting on May 15, the team will continue writing these responses, and will go through each comment that was submitted, discuss it, and draft a response. All responses will be posted when the team is finished writing all of them.
This meeting, like all standard drafting team meetings is open; however, the public is reminded that the formal comment period on this first draft has closed. We must follow our standards development process, and to be completely fair to all those who timely and appropriately submitted comments during the 30-day comment period, the team must now complete its assignment and respond in writing to those comments that were formally submitted in writing. The team Chair is responsible for conducting the meetings in a responsible, timely and efficient manner. To accomplish its assigned tasks there may be times when the Chair has to limit the participation of guests to ensure that the team accomplishes its assigned tasks in a timely and efficient manner.
Scheduled SAR003 Meetings
- Mar 31, 2009 - BAL-001-TRE-01 Technical Workshop
- May 04, 2009 - BAL-001 TRE Standard Drafting Team Meeting
- May 15, 2009 - BAL-001-TRE Standard Drafting Team WebEx
- May 29, 2009 - BAL-001-TRE Standard Drafting Team WebEx
- Jun 09, 2009 - BAL-001-TRE-01 Standard Drafting Team WebEx
- Jul 02, 2009 - BAL-001-TRE-01 Standard Drafting Team Meeting
- Jul 16, 2009 - BAL-001-TRE-01 Standard Drafting Team WebEx