Retail Metering Working Group Meeting via WebEx

June 04, 2010
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Teleconference: 866-469-3239
Meeting number: 355 244 454
Meeting password: Meter123!!



Antitrust Admonition


T. Bates

 10:00 a.m.




T. Bates

 10:05 a.m.


Review CMGRR 011  


S. Tindall


 10:10 a.m.


Review and synchronization NPRR for PRR845

S. Tindall


10:25 a.m.


Create Draft NPRR to address reporting of AMS meters that exceed 700kW 


T. Bates

10:45 a.m.


Review / Create RMWG Procedures document  


S. Tindall


11:15 a.m.


Other updates or new business

T. Bates


11:45 a.m.




12:00 p.m.

Scheduled RMWG Meetings

Key Documents

May 28, 2010 - doc - 80.5 KB
Jun 8, 2010 - doc - 45 KB
May 28, 2010 - doc - 41 KB
Jun 4, 2010 - doc - 43 KB

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