Texas SET Meeting

June 06, 2006
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Dial-In: 512.225.7280
Dial-In Code: 5113



Day 1 June 6, 2006





Texas SET Meeting

  •  Antitrust Admonition
  •  Introductions
  •  Approval of the Draft May 22-23, 2006 Meeting Notes


11:00 AM



Mass Transition  Long Term Solution

  • Review and Approve TX SET Implementation Guides for Long Term Mass Transition Transactional Solution
  • Review and Approve Issue Document for Long Term Mass Transition Transactional Solution
  • Draft Change Control Document(s) for Long Term Mass Transition Transactional Solution



11:15 PM






12:00 PM


Mass Transition (continued)



1:00 PM


Terms and Conditions

  •  TCTF Action Items for Texas SET
  •  Additional Action Items from TCTF
  •  867 counter reporting: (counter will report consecutive estimates until an actual read is obtained)

          number of denial of access estimates

number of non-denial for access

Reason for that months estimate

If a door hanger was left - Yes/No Indicator

  •  650 codes

           650_01 CR Request Disconnect for Denial of Access

650_01 CR Request Reconnect for Denial Access following customer?s resolution of the problem (new code should also allow CR to reconnect even if TDSP initiated disconnect due to access issue)

          650_02 TDSP response to Disconnect for Denial of Access

650_02 TDSP response to Reconnect for Access Issue Resolved
  •  Discuss and/or assign changes to Implementation Guides
  •  Develop Issue Document for Ts Cs



3:00 PM




5:00 PM







Day 2  June 7, 2006





Terms and Conditions (continued from Day 1)


9:00 AM






12:00 PM


Terms and Conditions (continued)



1:00 PM


Issue Update

  •  867_03 Guide - MEA in PTD*IA loop (reported by Lisa Numrich)
  •  814_05, 867_03, 814_20 unmetered (reported by Connie Hermes)
  •  Other new issues?



2:00 PM


Review Outstanding TX SET Action Items

  •  814_20s with Rate Change (2 digits to 8) ? follow-up
  •  814_20 issue - incomplete meter information (discussed at last meeting) follow-up
  •  Others?



2:30 PM



Check Point

  •  Action Items for next meeting.
  •  Any New Business for Next Meeting?

                Change control call June 27 9:30 a.m.

                Issue Requiring TX SET Discussion:  Moving Retail Customer away from POLR in a timely manner; could this process be as fast as they were transitioned to POLR?  Agenda Item for June 26, 27 meeting.

                Determine process of assigning esi ids to POLRs

               Review the POLR rule as it was approved June 7



2:45 PM




3:00 PM


Scheduled TXSET Meetings

Key Documents

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