Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting

June 07, 2012
09:30 AM - 01:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 206
Dial-In: 1.877.668.4493
Dial-In Code: 655 248 616



Antitrust Admonition

K. Ögelman

9:30 a.m.


ERCOT Board Update

K. Ögelman

9:35 a.m.


Approval of Draft April 5, 2012 TAC Meeting Minutes (Vote)

K. Ögelman

9:40 a.m.


Protocol Revision Subcommittee Report

  • Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs) (Vote):

o   NPRR443, Removal of Switchable Generation Resource Plans from Protected Information

o   NPRR445, DC Tie Load Zone Price Clarification

o   NPRR446, Correction of Non-Spin Ancillary Service Schedule Telemetry for Standing Non-Spin Deployment

o   NPRR447, Remove Day- Ahead QSE Requested Decommit Language

o   NPRR452, Clarification of Reactive Power Requirements

o   NPRR453, Separation of Year 1 and Year 2 of the Annual CRR Auctions by Timing

o   NPRR454, Removal of Unfunded Project List Language

o   NPRR456, Clarification of Definition of Electrically Similar Settlement Points and Heuristic Pricing Posting

o   NPRR457, Daily Update of New ESI IDs and AMS Meter and Switch Hold Indicators Changes

o   NPRR463, CRR Auction Structure Enhancements - Urgent

  • Project Priority List Review

T. Burke
















T. Anderson

9:45 a.m.


Revision Requests Previously Tabled at TAC:

  • NOGRR088, Synchronization with NPR424, Reactive Capability Testing Requirements for IRRs (Vote)

K. Ögelman

10:40 a.m.



Reliability and Operations Subcommittee Report *

  • NOGRR092, Synchronization with NPRR451, Implementation of New P.U.C. Subst. Rule 25.507 Urgent (Vote)
  • PGRR017, New Planning Guide Section 6.1, Steady-State Model Development (Vote)
  • Revisions to ICCP Handbook (Vote)

B. Williams

10:45 a.m.



Commercial Operations Subcommittee Report*

  • Annual Validation Update to the Profile Decision Tree (Vote)

H. Basaran

11:00 a.m.



Wholesale Market Subcommittee Report*

E. Goff

11:10 a.m.


Retail Market Subcommittee Report*

R. Bevill

11:15 a.m.


Market Enhancements Task Force Report*

K. Ragsdale

11:20 a.m.


ERCOT Operations, Planning, and IT Report

  • 30-Minute ERS Pilot Project (Possible Vote)
  • Emergency Interruptible Load Service (EILS) Annual Report



11:25 a.m.


Other Business

  • Review of Power Balance Penalty Curve
  • Proposed Trainers Working Group (Possible Vote)
  • Market Participant Opportunities at Texas RE and NERC
  • Future Agenda Items

K. Ögelman


12:00 p.m.




1:00 p.m.


Scheduled TAC Meetings

Key Documents

Jun 11, 2012 - xls - 131.5 KB
Jun 29, 2012 - doc - 167.5 KB
May 31, 2012 - doc - 105 KB
May 31, 2012 - doc - 154 KB
Jun 5, 2012 - ppt - 439.5 KB
Jun 5, 2012 - zip - 417.8 KB
Jun 5, 2012 - ppt - 1.1 MB
May 31, 2012 - zip - 50.9 KB
May 31, 2012 - zip - 61.9 KB
Jun 8, 2012 - ppt - 228.5 KB
Jun 1, 2012 - ppt - 292 KB
Jun 5, 2012 - ppt - 133 KB
Jun 6, 2012 - pdf - 4.1 MB
Jun 5, 2012 - ppt - 537 KB
Apr 11, 2012 - ppt - 623.5 KB
Jun 7, 2012 - ppt - 685 KB
Jun 8, 2012 - zip - 7.2 MB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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