PRS and TPTF: Joint Meeting

June 12, 2007
09:30 AM - 03:30 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 206
Teleconference: 877-668-4493
Meeting number: 356 548 582
Meeting password: TPTF123!!


1. Antitrust Admonition K. Gresham
2. Overview of Nodal Program Management Office (PMO) Process  J. Tamby
3. Review Baseline 1 Recommendations - Discussion including, but not limited to, content of Baseline 1, value engineering, and related impact analyses of Baseline 1 items. Note: TPTF and PRS voting rules differ and may require separate votes for each Group.

Group 1 - These items have minimal or no impact across all projects. These have already been approved by CCB and Projects have already started implementing these changes. (Vote)

  • NPRR001, Section 1, Zonal PRR Synchronization and ERCOT Staff Clarifications. Approved by the Board on 7/18/06.
  • NPRR003, Section 5, Zonal PRR Synchronization and ERCOT Staff Clarifications. Approved by the Board on 9/19/06.
  • NPRR007, Section 9 Zonal PRR Synchronization and ERCOT Staff Clarifications. Approved by the Board on 7/18/06.
  • NPRR010, Synchronization of PRR630 and Section 3, Management Activities for the ERCOT System. Approved by the Board on 8/15/06.
  • NPRR011, Revision to Credit Requirements. Approved by the Board on 9/19/06.
  • NPRR013, Section 2, Zonal PRR Synchronization and ERCOT Staff Clarifications. Approved by the Board on 9/19/06.
  • NPRR015, Zonal PRR Synchronization Section 22 Attachment H. Approved by the Board on 9/19/06.
  • NPRR017, Discontinuation of Interest Charge for Defaulting Entities at Time of Uplift. Approved by the Board on 10/17/06.
  • NPRR019, Black Start Testing Requirements. Approved by the Board on 12/12/06.
  • NPRR023, Correction to Formatting of Section Approved by the Board on 10/17/06.
  • NPRR025, Definition of Annual Planning Model. Approved by the Board on 10/17/06.
  • NPRR027, Block Offers in CRR Auction. Approved by the Board on 10/17/06.
  • NPRR028, CRR Trading in Blocks Only. Approved by the Board on 10/17/06.
  • NPRR030, Addition to CRR Account Holder Qualification Criteria. Approved by the Board on 10/17/06.
  • NPRR038, Synchronization of PRR624. Approved by the Board on 1/16/07.
  • NPRR043, Corrections to Section 7, Congestion Revenue Rights. On 3/22/07, PRS unanimously voted to recommend approval of NPRR043 as submitted.
  • NPRR046, Real-Time ICCP Communications Only. Approved by the Board on 5/16/07.
  • NPRR048, Revised Wording of Opportunity Outages for Transmission Facilities. On 3/22/07, PRS unanimously voted to recommend approval of NPRR048 as revised by comments submitted by ERCOT Staff.
  • NPRR050, Clarification for HSL Values and WGR Values to be Used in the RUC Capacity Short Calculation. On 3/22/07, PRS voted to table NPRR050 until its April meeting. On 4/20/07, PRS again tabled NPRR050, to allow for simultaneous review with NPRR045, Wind Power Forecasting.

Group 2 - This group of items were bucketed together based on category 1 impacts across multiple projects as well as a correlation between individual items. (Vote)

  • NPRR035, Nodal Protocol Clarifications Required For Net Metering Provisions. Tabled by PRS on 1/22/07. On 2/22/07, PRS voted to recommend approval of NPRR035. On 5/17/07, PRS voted to recommend approval of NPRR035 as revised by ERCOT Staff comments.
  • NPRR041, Corrections to Section 4, Day-Ahead Operations. On 3/22/07, PRS unanimously voted to recommend approval of NPRR041 as submitted.
  • NPRR047, Credit Monitoring- ERCOT Staff Clarification. On 3/22/07, PRS voted to remand NPRR047 to TPTF for further analysis of Sections 4.4.10(3) and On 4/20/07, PRS unanimously voted to recommend approval of NPRR047 as amended by TPTF comments.

Group 3 - This group of items were bucketed together based on category 1 impacts across multiple projects as well as a correlation between individual items (Vote)

  • NPRR049, Generation Subsystem Changes to Incorporate Approved Whitepapers. On 3/22/07, PRS unanimously voted to recommend approval of NPRR049 as submitted.

Group 4 - This group of items were bucketed together based on impacts across 2 or more projects as well as a correlation between individual items. (Vote)

  • NPRR005, Section 7 ERCOT Staff and TPTF Clarifications. Approved by the Board on 7/18/06.

Group 5 - This group of items were bucketed together based on impacts across 2 or more projects as well as a correlation between individual items. (Vote)

  • NPRR004, Section 8, Zonal PRR Synchronization and ERCOT Staff Clarifications. Approved by the Board on 7/18/06.
  • NPRR009, Section 6 PRR Synchronization and ERCOT Staff Clarifications. Approved by the Board on 8/15/06.
  • NPRR016, TPTF Cleanup Items for Sections 2, 3, and 16. Approved by the Board on 9/19/06.

Group 6 - This bucket was put together by items belonging to individual systems. (Vote)

  • NPRR002, Section 3, Zonal PRR Synchronization and ERCOT Staff Clarifications. Approved by the Board on 8/15/06.
  • NPRR006, Section 4 ERCOT Staff Clarifications. Approved by the Board on 7/18/06.
  • NPRR012, CRR Granularity in CRR Auction. Approved by the Board on 9/19/06.
  • NPRR014, Zonal PRR Synchronization for Section 16. Approved by the Board on 9/19/06.
  • NPRR022, MIS Posting for Area Trades. Approved by the Board on 10/17/06.
  • NPRR039, Availability of Ancillary Service Offers for the Supplementary Ancillary Service Market. On 2/22/07, PRS voted to recommend approval of NPRR039.
  • NPRR051, Removal of the Pseudo Resources Requirements in the Real Time Security Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) Process. On 3/22/07, PRS voted to table NPRR051 until its April meeting. All Market Segments were present for the vote. On 4/20/07, PRS voted to recommend approval of NPRR051 as submitted.
  • NPRR052, Settlement for Non-Modeled Generators. On 3/22/07, PRS unanimously voted to recommend approval of NPRR052 as submitted.

Group 7 - This bucket was put together by items belonging to individual systems. (Vote)

  • NPRR031, Correction of Voltage Support Bill Determinants. Approved by the Board on 12/12/06.
  • NPRR032, Correction of Black Start Bill Determinants. Approved by the Board on 12/12/06.
  • NPRR044, Corrections to Section 6, Adjustment Period and Real-Time Operations. On 3/22/07, PRS unanimously voted to recommend approval of NPRR044 as submitted.

Group 8 - This bucket was put together by items belonging to individual systems. (Vote)

  • NPRR033, Settlement of CRRs When DAM Does Not Execute. Approved by the Board on 12/12/06.
  • NPRR034, Conforming Section 10 to Nodal Format. Approved by the Board on 1/16/07.

Group 9 - This bucket was put together by items belonging to individual systems. (Vote)

  • NPRR042, Corrections to Section 5, Transmission Security Analysis and Reliability Unit Commitment. On 3/22/07, PRS voted to table NPRR042 and requested that TPTF revise the revision description. On 4/20/07, PRS voted to recommend approval of NPRR042 as revised by comments submitted by TPTF.

Group 10 - This bucket was based on items that were identified as to be kept separate. (Vote)

  • NPRR008, PRR 307 Inclusion in Nodal. Approved by the Board on 8/15/06.

Group 11 - This bucket was based on items that were identified as to be kept separate. (Vote)

  • NPRR029, Network Model Testing Clarification. Approved by the Board on 10/17/06.

J. Tamby
4. Discuss Future Baseline Recommendations (Possible Vote) - Discussion including, but not limited to, content of future Baselines. Note: TPTF and PRS voting rules differ and may require separate votes.
  • NPRR024, Synchronization of PRRs 627 and 640. On 2/1/07, TAC voted unanimously to defer NPRR024 until a final IA is posted.
  • NPRR036, Market Operations Test Environment (MOTE) in the Nodal Market. Tabled by PRS on 1/22/07.
  • NPRR037, Conforming Section 13 to Nodal Format and Changing Frequency of Transmission Loss Base Case Calculations. On 4/20/07, PRS unanimously voted to recommend approval of NPRR037 as revised by comments submitted by ERCOT Staff (4/11/07).
  • NPRR040, Synchronization of Emergency Electric Curtailment Plan (EECP) Event Realignment. On 3/22/07, PRS tabled NPRR040 pending input from TPTF.
  • NPRR045, Wind Power Forecasting. On 3/22/07, PRS voted to refer PRR045 to TPTF for review.
  • NPRR053, Creation of a New Trading Hub at Venus Switching Station. On 3/22/07, PRS voted to refer NPRR053 to TPTF for review.
  • NPRR054, Update of Nodal Protocols to Comply with NERC Name Change - Companion to PRR711. Approved by the Board on 5/16/07. 
  • NPRR055, Correction of Voltage Support QSE Total Bill Determinants. On 4/20/07, PRS unanimously voted to recommend approval of NPRR055 as submitted.
  • NPRR057, Posting Requirements Pursuant PUC Subst. R. 25.505. On 4/20/07, PRS voted to recommend approval of NPRR057 as submitted.
  • NPRR058, Clarification of Standard Form Market Participant Agreement. On 5/17/07, PRS voted to refer NPRR058 to TPTF to review ERCOT Staff comments posted on 5/8/07.
  • NPRR059, Reconfiguring the Annual CRR Auction. On 5/17/07, PRS voted to recommend approval of NPRR059.
  • NPRR060, Hub Clarification. On 5/17/07, PRS voted to recommend approval of NPRR060.
  • NPRR061, Scarcity Pricing Mechanism. On 5/17/07, PRS voted to recommend approval of NPRR061.
  • NPRR062, Constraint Competitiveness Test. On 5/7/07, TPTF voted to endorse the draft NPRR for Constraint Competitiveness Test. PRS is scheduled to review NPRR062 on 6/21/07.
  • NPRR063, Electrical Bus Clarification. On 5/23/07, TPTF voted to approve the draft NPRR for Electrical Bus Clarification. PRS is scheduled to review NPRR063 on 6/21/07.
  • NPRR064, Modeling of Generic Transmission Constraints. On 5/22/07, TPTF voted to approve the draft NPRR for Modeling of Generic Transmission Constraints. PRS is scheduled to review NPRR063 on 6/21/07.
 J. Tamby
5. Other Business
6. Adjourn

Scheduled PRS Meetings

Key Documents

061207 PRS-TPTF Additional Meeting Materials
Baseline 1 Group 1 IAs, Additions to Future Baselines, and Revised Agenda
Jun 5, 2007 - zip - 411.9 KB
Jun 6, 2007 - zip - 498.9 KB
061207 PRS-TPTF Meeting Materials
NPRR Action and Recommendation Reports
May 29, 2007 - zip - 2.9 MB
May 25, 2007 - doc - 102 KB
Sep 7, 2007 - doc - 155.5 KB
May 24, 2007 - ppt - 744 KB
Jun 5, 2007 - doc - 105.5 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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