Texas SET Working Group Meeting via WebEx

June 17, 2010
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Teleconference: 866-469-3239
Meeting number: 353 167 539
Meeting password: Texas123!!


Attached is an outline of the two possible solutions for communication of a Switch Hold. 

  • Modifying existing transactions (650_01 and 814_20)
  • Creating a new 888 transaction

A Texas SET conference call and WebEx will be held on Thursday, June 17th at 1:00 PM to make a decision on which solution will be implemented with TX SET 4.0.  We must make a final decision on this call so that project request documentation can be developed and turned into ERCOT on July 1st

Please review both solutions and provide feedback on the conference call as to which solution is preferred by your company. 

As a note Deferred Payment Switch Holds are outlined in this document however the rulemaking concerning these holds has not been finalized.  With the short turn around between approval and project documentation deadlines we just wanted to make sure we were ahead of the game.  

Scheduled TXSET Meetings

Key Documents

Jun 17, 2010 - doc - 34 KB
Jul 20, 2010 - doc - 42 KB

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