MP Default Joint Task Force Meeting

June 24, 2005
09:30 AM - 02:30 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Rm. 206B
Dial-In: 512-225-7282
Dial-In Code: 2674

  1. Background and Objective Review
    1. JTF Objectives, Deliverables, and Timeline
    2. Review of the applicable Protocol, Guide, and Rule language
    3. Review of recent MP Default Timeline
    4. Review of other potential MP Default Scenarios 
  2. Problem/Gap Identification (Highlight issues needing consideration)
    1. Pre customer transition initiation
      1. Clarity of timeline, including defining the trigger point and an effective date for the transition
      2. Timeline for QSE notice of termination of LSE
      3. Other pre-customer transition issues
    2. Post customer transition initiation
      1. Clarity of responsibility of transition tasks and timelines to complete tasks
      2. Transaction related issues
      3. Other post-customer transition issues
    3. Other issues
      1. Timeline of transition could extend dramatically depending on holidays, weekends or other "non-business" days
      2. Review of market rules for Settlement of load, contribution of to UFE, and UFE allocation
      3. Need cooperation of losing REP for process to work smoothly
      4. Other transition related issues/questions
  3. Organizational Structure and Assignments
    1. JTF Leadership
    2. Next Steps/Next Meeting Dates
    3. Iterim assignments

Scheduled MPDEFAULTTF Meetings

Key Documents

Jun 28, 2005 - zip - 190 KB

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