Retail Metering Working Group Meeting via WebEx

June 29, 2010
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Teleconference: 866-469-3239
Meeting number: 355 186 472
Meeting password: Rmwg123!!



Antitrust Admonition


T. Bates

   2:00 p.m.




T. Bates

   2:05 p.m.


Review Impact Analysis for CMGRR011, Revisions for Texas Nodal Market Implementation and Synchronization with PRR821  


S. Tindall


   2:10 p.m.


Review and finalize synchronization NPRR for PRR845

S. Tindall


   2:35 p.m.


Review and finalize RMWG Procedures document  


S. Tindall


   3:00 p.m.


Review NOGRR045, Synchronization of OGRR219, Time Error Correction  


T. Bates

   3:30 p.m.


Other updates or new business

T. Bates


   3:50 p.m.




   4:00 p.m.

Scheduled RMWG Meetings

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