WMWG Meeting by Webex Only

July 12, 2021
09:30 AM
Teleconference: 877-668-4493
Meeting number: 182 893 5316
Meeting password: BHcVpS



Antitrust Admonition

D. Detelich

9:30 AM


Increase the minimum quantities of Responsive Reserve Service and Non-Spinning Reserve Service

D. Detelich


Topics for this meeting will be from the document For Evaluation at WMWG July 7, 2021 WMS


Not all the topics can be fully evaluated in this meeting



Energy Pricing Impacts



Should offline NSRS be deployed before SCED could get to market based offers from QSGR not providing NSRS?


Should Online reserves be below certain level in addition to PRC <3200 before offline NSRS is deployed?


Should offline NSRS be deployed in chunks?


Should $75/MWh offer floor language for online reserves be extended to offline reserves?


Should 0-lsl of offline NSRS be relaxed in pricing run?



ERCOT Reports



Monthly Review – Questions on Monthly Reports


Review accuracy of forecast variability that is used to determine the additional AS Requirement


How is the determination made?


What should be reviewed in a monthly report?



Review Impact to Retailers on procuring Additional Reserves

D. Detelich


Should self-arrangements be opened up further to increase liquidity & enable hedging?


Provide update on aggregate capacity qualified to provide AS

N. Mago



Review the Impact to Cycling Resource before it is really needed in Peak Summer

D. Detelich


Reliability has been good the last few summers in part because cycling of units has been reduced


This summer SARA has a reduced number of Typical Forced Outages



Should advance RUCing be delayed based on start time to give enough time for ERCOT to have capacity in time and at the same time allow Market to respond to Self-Commit?




Address concerns raised for NPRR1080 – July WMWG

D. Detelich


Related to payment for resources that are assigned AS in RT



Related to procurement for AS in reference to AS penalty factor



Other Business

D. Detelich



D. Detelich


Future Meetings – August 23, 2021


Scheduled WMWG Meetings

Key Documents

Jul 12, 2021 - pptx - 462.5 KB
Jul 12, 2021 - pptx - 83.2 KB
Jul 7, 2021 - pptx - 107.4 KB
Jul 2, 2021 - xlsx - 298.3 KB
Jul 12, 2021 - xlsx - 647 KB
Jul 12, 2021 - pptx - 54 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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