Texas SET Working Group Meeting

July 16, 2008
10:00 AM - 03:45 PM
AEP Corpus Christi, 17th Floor
539 N Carancahua
TX 78478
Dial-In: 1-866-910-4857
Dial-In Code: 753352







Texas SET Meeting


  • Antitrust Admonition
  • Introductions
  • Approval of the Draft June 2008 Meeting Notes
  • RMS Update
    • Review TX SET Update slides presented at RMS on 7-09-08
    •       Any Action Items from RMS in July? 


  • Retail Release Overview from ERCOT
  •     MarkeTrak Phase II



10:00 AM


TX SET issue Updates


  • Issue 075:  The use of ignore CSA on a Move-Out where CR is not CSA CR (**ERCOT to Provide Updated Data**)


  • Issue I077: Advanced Meter/Master Meter Identifier
    •       Pending AMIT direction on other potential changes to Retail Transactions


  • Issue I078:  Designate the Ignore Loop for DRG generation outflow (for non-IDR only?)


  • Issue I079: TDSPs to Receive 814_21 Rejects
    •      Resolved without a change. 
    •       Should this be Withdrawn?


New Issues:

  •  Issue I080:   New SAC04 Code to identify Energy Efficiency Cost Recovery Factor per new Rule §25.181


  • Issue I081: Remove the Critical Care Indicator from Enrollment Requests and the PC.


  • Issue I082: Modify the How to Use pages of the IGs to show how many times a given loop is actually used.   


  • Any Other New Issues?




10:30 AM


Leap-Frog  Clarifications

  •      ERCOT to Provide Draft Redlines for
    •             RMG
    •             Solution to Stacking



11:30 AM




12:00 PM

  The Future of Implementation Guide Examples

  • Review list of examples created by ERCOT (Kathryn Thurman) with actual data.
  •  Update master matrix of Examples to Keep
  •  From action items: Kathy Scott and Dave Lowder to provide sample data to ERCOT from Point-to-Point transactions


 1:00 PM

Mass Transition Draft RMGRR

  • Review Section 7 draft RMGRR
  • Review Section 9 (Appendices) draft RMGRR



 1:30 PM


Distributed Renewable Generation

  •  Distributed Renewable Generation
    •            Update on Status of Draft RMGRR
      •               Waiting for a DGTF/Market    decision on IDR/AMS Metering for DRG with a capacity <50KW




3:30 PM

Advanced Metering Implementation Team: 

  •    AMIT and potential impacts to TX SET
  •     Interim Solution for Settlement of AMS Meters
    •        Task 096:  Create standardized schema for TA-001 Machine to Machine Large Volume of Data in the specified format moved to Action Items list.  Need more direction from AMIT and ERCOT.   
    •            AMIT Meetings;
    •           July 14-15: Web Portal / HAN -PUCT
    •             July 21 22: Web Portal  -ERCOT
    •               July 28 29: Web Portal  -ERCOT
    •               August: No Meetings
    •               September: 3, 16 -18, 22- 23, 29- 30



3:45 PM


Scheduled TXSET Meetings

Key Documents

Aug 27, 2008 - xls - 141.5 KB
Guide Examples 7-16-08
Jul 10, 2008 - xls - 2.2 MB
Jul 11, 2008 - ppt - 171.5 KB
Jul 10, 2008 - doc - 142.5 KB
Jul 15, 2008 - zip - 20.6 KB
Jul 14, 2008 - ppt - 83.5 KB
July 16-17_2008 TX SET Agenda
July 16-17_2008 TX SET Agenda
Jul 10, 2008 - doc - 78.5 KB
Jul 9, 2008 - doc - 90 KB
Jul 10, 2008 - doc - 111.5 KB
Jul 10, 2008 - doc - 360.5 KB
Jul 22, 2008 - doc - 248.5 KB
Jun 26, 2008 - doc - 291 KB
TX SET Event Summary 07-16-08 FINAL
TX SET Event Summary 07-16-08 FINAL
Jul 31, 2008 - doc - 111.5 KB
TX SET Meeting Schedule_July
TX SET Meeting Schedule
Jul 10, 2008 - doc - 23.5 KB
TX SET_Update_to_RMS_July_2008
RMS Update from Texas SET
Jul 10, 2008 - ppt - 293 KB
Jul 10, 2008 - xls - 131.5 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.