Protocol Revision Subcommittee (PRS) Meeting

July 18, 2013
09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 206
Teleconference: 877-668-4493
Meeting number: 650 511 970
Meeting password: PRS123!!!



Antitrust Admonition


T. Burke


Approval of Minutes (Vote)

June 20, 2013


T. Burke


TAC and Board Reports


T. Burke


Project Update and Summary of Project Priority List (PPL) Activity to Date


T. Anderson


Review PRS Reports, Impact Analyses, and Prioritization (Vote) (*) denotes no impact

NPRR532, Performance Measurement and Verification and Telemetry Requirements for Load Resources Providing Non-Spin

NPRR536, ERS Time Obligation Certainty

NPRR543, Message for Confirmed E-Tags

NPRR545, Removal of Reference to Wave Traps*

NPRR546, Removal of References to RUC Notifications*

NPRR547, Governor Test Data*


T. Burke


Review of Pending Project Priorities (Possible Vote)


T. Anderson


Revision Requests Tabled at PRS (Possible Vote)

NPRR429, HASL Offset Provision

NPRR486, Calculation of Generation to be Dispatched

NPRR490, Clarification of TSP Definition and Confidentiality Obligations

NPRR503, Removal of Language Related to NPRR219

NPRR505, ERS Weather-Sensitive Loads

NPRR524, Resource Limits in Providing Ancillary Service

NPRR527, Required Combined Cycle Telemetry for Operational Awareness and PDCWG Analysis

NPRR528, Clarification of Assessment of Chronic Congestion

NPRR529, Congestion Management Plan

NPRR533, Clarification of PCRR Eligibility Requirements

NPRR535, Resource Status Startup - Shutdown

NPRR537, ERS Clearing Price

NPRR540, Clarification of Credible Single Contingency

NPRR541, SPS and RAP Modeling Clarification

NPRR542, Clarification of the Use of Emergency Condition

SCR774, Enhancement to Outage Scheduler and Reports

Parking Deck NPRR219, Resolution of Alignment Items A33, A92, A106, and A150 - TSPs Must Submit Outages for Resource Owned Equipment and Clarification of Changes in Status of Transmission Element Postings

Parking Deck NOGRR050, Resolution Reporting Issues Related to NPRR219




Urgency Votes (Vote)

NPRR551, Posting of Annual Planning Model

NPRR552, Additional Counter-Party Criteria  

NPRR554, Clarification of Future Credit Exposure Calculation  

NPRR555, Load Resource Participation in Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch

NPRR556, Resource Adequacy During Transmission Equipment Outage


T. Burke


Review of Revision Request Language (Vote)

NPRR548, Remove NPRR153 Grey Boxes and Clarify Fixed Quantity Block Treatment in the DAM

NPRR549, Clarification for Posting Transmission Loss Factors

NPRR550, Modifications to Planning Reserve Margin Inputs  

NPRR551, Posting of Annual Planning Model

NPRR552, Additional Counter-Party Criteria  

NPRR553, Monthly BLT Payment and Charge for Presidio Exception

NPRR554, Clarification of Future Credit Exposure Calculation  

NPRR555, Load Resource Participation in Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch


T. Burke


Other Binding Documents

Addition to Other Binding Documents List - Requirements for Aggregate Load Resource Participation in the ERCOT Markets (Vote)




Notice of Withdrawal


T. Burke


Other Business

NPRR557, Administrative Change for August 1, 2013 Nodal Protocols


T. Burke



T. Burke

Scheduled PRS Meetings

Key Documents

Jul 11, 2013 - doc - 62.5 KB
Sep 20, 2013 - doc - 176 KB
Jul 16, 2013 - doc - 178 KB
Jul 18, 2013 - zip - 5.6 MB
Jul 9, 2013 - xls - 164.5 KB
Jul 18, 2013 - ppt - 1.8 MB
Jul 16, 2013 - ppt - 282 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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