TPTF Meeting

July 23, 2007
09:30 AM - 05:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 206A
Teleconference: 866-469-3239
Meeting number: 355 133 127
Meeting password: TPTF123!!


  Day 1: Monday  

1. Antitrust Admonition   T. Doggett 9:30am  
2. Review Agenda   T. Doggett
3. Confirm Future Meetings
  • August 13-14 at ERCOT MetCenter (2 days)
  • August 27-29 at ERCOT MetCenter (3 days)
  • September 10-11 at ERCOT MetCenter (2 days)
T. Doggett
4. Announcement regarding October meeting T. Doggett  
5. Consider Approval of July 9-10 Meeting Minutes (Possible Vote*)   T. Doggett
6. Nodal Program update J. Sullivan  
7. Proposed resolution regarding CRR API (Possible Vote*)   T. Doggett
8. CRR Project-
  • Review plans for CRR documentation update TPTF review and approval
  • Review of draft NPRR- CRR Cleanup
S. Jirasek/ B. Garza
9. Discussion of Basic Training Program delivery options T. Hailu  
10. Credit transition to nodal C. Yager  
11. EDW reporting requirements and CSD coverage S. Privette  
12. Electrical bus update W. Rickerson  
13. Recess    
End by 5pm

Day 2: Tuesday  

14. Carryover items from Monday   T. Doggett 8:30am
15. Discussion of issue related to verifiable costs I. Gonzalez  
16. Review of Resource Asset Registration Form   M. Mereness
17. Review and consideration of:
  • Market Readiness Metric Inventory (Possible Vote*)
C. Wilkinson
18. IDA Project update   S. Kerr
19. PCRRs and Output Schedule:
  • White Paper- DSR Output Schedule Validation in Real-Time
  • Alternative approach
S. Siddiqi/   R. Surendran
20. Recess  
End by 5pm

Day 3: Wednesday  

21. Carryover items from Tuesday  

22. Offer creation and submission methodology for market participants as required by the transition plan (Possible Vote*)   B. Blevins/ K. Lau
23. Update on NPRR045, Wind Power Forecasting (Possible Vote*) B. Blevins  
24. Review and consideration of draft NPRR:
  • Ancillary Services payments to Resources that were brought on-line through DRUC or RUC to provide AS (Possible Vote*)
L. Stanfield
25. PRS Assignment PRS remanded PRR727 to TPTF for recommendation on to how to resolve potential conflicts between zonal and nodal Protocol sections and how to process zonal Settlements after the start of the Texas Nodal Market, including any Settlement disputes (Possible Vote*)   D. Zake
26. Review Disposition of Comments for and consider possible approval of:
  • Service Level Agreement for EDS (Possible Vote*)
A. Smallwood  
27. Develop Agenda for August 13-14 Meeting   T. Doggett
28. Adjourn  
End by 3pm

Scheduled TPTF Meetings

Key Documents

Aug 21, 2007 - doc - 195.5 KB
Jul 26, 2007 - zip - 294.1 KB
Jul 24, 2007 - ppt - 550.5 KB
Jul 16, 2007 - doc - 209 KB
Jul 23, 2007 - ppt - 245 KB
Jul 20, 2007 - ppt - 83.5 KB
Jul 22, 2007 - ppt - 114.5 KB
Jul 20, 2007 - doc - 172 KB
Jul 23, 2007 - ppt - 955 KB
Jul 20, 2007 - zip - 880.8 KB
Jul 23, 2007 - ppt - 136.5 KB
Jul 20, 2007 - ppt - 96.5 KB
Jul 17, 2007 - ppt - 135.5 KB
Jul 20, 2007 - doc - 77.5 KB
Jul 24, 2007 - doc - 27.5 KB
Jul 19, 2007 - ppt - 95.5 KB

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