TPTF Meeting

July 24, 2006
09:30 AM - 05:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744


Agenda for TPTF Meeting

Mon- July 24, 2006- 9:30pm-5:00pm
Tue- July 25, 2006- 8:30am-5:00pm
Wed- July 26, 2006- 8:30am-3:00pm WebEx Conference
Teleconference: 866-469-3239
Meeting number: 351 723 691
Meeting password: TPTF123!!

Day 1: Monday

1. Antitrust Admonition T. Doggett Mon. 9:30am
2. Review Agenda T. Doggett
3. Confirm Future Meetings
  • August 7-8 at ERCOT MetCenter (2-days)
  • August 22-24 at ERCOT MetCenter (3-days)
  • Sept 5-6 at ERCOT MetCenter (2-days)
  • Sept 11-12 at ERCOT MetCenter (2-days)
  • Sept 27-29 at ERCOT MetCenter (3-days)
T. Doggett
4. Consider Approval of Meeting Minutes from June 26-27 and July 10-11 Meetings (Possible Vote*) T. Doggett
5. Review Draft Nodal PRR Sections (Possible Vote*)
  • Sections 22H, 16, 2 (Inclusive of TNT synchronization, recent zonal PRRs, and TPTF clarifications)
T. Doggett Most of the day
6. Training Update Richard Jones 1-2pm
7. NPRRs for TPTF Clarifications requested for Sections 3 & 8 (Possible Vote*) M. Mereness
8. NPRR to Synchronize PRR640 and PRR627- Section (Possible Vote*)
  • Modifications made at July 11 TPTF meeting
  • Sect,,, Sect, and Sect 22F
T. Doggett

Day 2: Tuesday

9. Nodal Program Update from Kathy Hager K. Hager Tues. 8:30-10am
10. NPRR Clarification for Section 3.10.4 (Possible Vote*) J. Moseley 10:00am
11. Net Metering Update R. Spangler 11:00am
12. CRR Settlement without DAM S. Wang 11:30am
13. Review of DAM A/S Settlement Commercial Operations Business Requirements Document (Possible Vote*) ERCOT Tues afternoon
14. Review of DAM Energy Settlement Commercial Operations Business Requirements Document (Possible Vote*) ERCOT Tues afternoon
15. Initial Review of Day Ahead Make Whole Settlement Commercial Operations Business Requirements Documents ERCOT Tues afternoon

Day 3: Wednesday

16. CRR Discussion:
  • NPRR for CRR Credit Monitoring (Possible Vote*)
  • NPRR for CRR Granularity- integer vs. tenths of MW (Possible Vote*)
  • Options for handling CRR Time Blocks
B. Garza Wed. 8:30-9:30am
17. Outage Scheduling for Load Resources M. Patterson 9:30am
18. Principles of Consistency Update M. Mereness 10:30am
19. Market Participant Interaction Timeline T. Doggett 10:45am
20. Continue any NPRR review deferred from Monday T. Doggett 1:00pm
21. Develop Agenda for August 7-8 Meeting T. Doggett
Adjourn Wed. 3:00pm

* For multiple-day TPTF meetings, it is noted that the voting items may be considered on a day that is different from that which is stated in the agenda above.

Scheduled TPTF Meetings

Key Documents

Jul 25, 2006 - ppt - 80.5 KB
Aug 25, 2006 - doc - 147.5 KB
Jul 28, 2006 - zip - 2 MB
Jul 20, 2006 - doc - 158.5 KB
Jul 10, 2006 - doc - 163 KB
Jul 10, 2006 - doc - 453 KB
Jul 24, 2006 - doc - 29 KB
Jul 20, 2006 - ppt - 182.5 KB
Jul 20, 2006 - doc - 124.5 KB
Jul 21, 2006 - ppt - 55 KB
Jul 24, 2006 - doc - 781 KB
Jul 21, 2006 - xls - 39 KB
Jul 21, 2006 - doc - 642.5 KB
Jul 20, 2006 - doc - 565 KB
Jul 21, 2006 - ppt - 268.5 KB
Jul 20, 2006 - doc - 99.5 KB
Jul 20, 2006 - doc - 32.5 KB
Jul 20, 2006 - doc - 33.5 KB
Jul 21, 2006 - ppt - 114 KB
Jul 24, 2006 - pdf - 116.3 KB

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