TAC Meeting

August 06, 2009
09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 206
Dial-In: 1-866-469-3239
Dial-In Code: Full Speaking Code: 18194331 // Listen Only Code: 88363061



Antitrust Admonition

M. Bruce

9:30 a.m.


ERCOT Board Update

  • PRR805, Adding POLR Customer Class and AMS Meter Flag to the Database Query Function on the MIS (Vote)
  • NPRR171, Synchronization of PRR805, Adding POLR Customer Class and AMS Meter Flag to the Database Query Function on the MIS (Vote)
  • NPRR Parking Deck (Possible Vote)
  • Proposed Revisions to the ERCOT Bylaws (Possible Vote)

M. Bruce

9:35 a.m.


Approval of Draft July 9, 2009 TAC Meeting Minutes (Vote)

M. Bruce

10:00 a.m.


Revisions to TAC Procedures (Vote)

M. Bruce

10:05 a.m.


Protocol Revisions Subcommittee Report

  • Protocol Revision Request (PRR) (Vote):
    • PRR812, Wind Generator Forecast Scheduling (formerly, "Wind Generator Forecast for Scheduling Metric")
    • PRR814, NOx Emissions Allowance Index Price - Urgent
    • PRR816, CRE Determination Criteria - Urgent
    • PRR819, Changes to Support Revisions to the PUCT POLR and Expedited Switch Rules - Urgent
    • PRR820, Definition for Transmission and/or Distribution Service Provider - Urgent
  • Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) (Vote):
    • NPRR174, FIP Modifications in Verifiable Startup and Minimum Energy Cost and Recovery of Exceptional Fuel Costs During RUC Intervals
    • NPRR176, Resource Status Input to RUC and Ancillary Service Awards from RUC
    • NPRR177, Synchronization of Nodal Protocols with PRR808, Clean-up and Alignment of RECs Trading Program Language with PUCT Rules
    • NPRR178, Regulation Reduction (GS-FR3) and Reg-Up/Reg-Down Allocation to QSEs
    • NPRR180, Reconciliation of CRR Related Protocol Language
    • NPRR182, Non-Protocol Postings on the Market Information System
    • NPRR187, Definition for Transmission and/or Distribution Service Provider

S. Morris

10:25 a.m.



Revision Requests Tabled at TAC:

  • NPRR175, Hub Bus List Clarification (Vote)
  • NOGRR025, Monitoring Programs for QSEs, TSPs, and ERCOT - Urgent (Vote)

M. Bruce

11:25 a.m.



Retail Market Subcommittee Report

  • RMGRR076, Synchronization of Retail Market Guide with PRR804, Revisions to Section 21 Appeal Process (Vote)
  • RMGRR079, Changes to Support Revisions to the PUCT POLR and Expedited Switch Rules  - Urgent (Vote)

K. Patrick

12:00 p.m.





12:15 p.m.



2010 Project Prioritization List (Vote)

T. Anderson

12:45 p.m.



Texas Nodal Implementation

  • ERCOT Program Update
    • Market Participant Readiness
    • Single-Entry Model Go-Live Update (Possible Vote)


M. Cleary

V. Gates
V. Gates

1:15 p.m.



Nodal Advisory Task Force Report

D. Blackburn

2:15 p.m.



Reliability and Operations Subcommittee Report

K. Donohoo

2:30 p.m.



Commercial Operations Subcommittee Report

C. Moore

2:45 p.m.



Wholesale Market Subcommittee Report

K. Ögelman

2:55 p.m.


Renewable Technologies Working Group Report

H. Durrwachter

3:10 p.m.


Texas Regional Entity Report

V. Barry

3:20 p.m.



ERCOT Operations, Planning, and IT Reports


3:40 p.m.



Other Business

  • Robert’s Rules Overview
  • Proposal for TAC Consent Agenda
  • Future Agenda Items


S. McClendon
K. Ashley
M. Bruce

3:50 p.m.




M. Bruce

4:30 p.m.


Scheduled TAC Meetings

Key Documents

Sep 4, 2009 - doc - 192 KB
Jul 30, 2009 - doc - 142.5 KB
Aug 3, 2009 - doc - 39.5 KB
Aug 5, 2009 - zip - 122.4 KB
Jul 30, 2009 - doc - 188.5 KB
Aug 3, 2009 - pdf - 804.3 KB
Aug 3, 2009 - doc - 31 KB
Aug 3, 2009 - doc - 48.5 KB
Aug 5, 2009 - zip - 670.7 KB
Aug 5, 2009 - ppt - 323 KB
Aug 3, 2009 - pdf - 307.4 KB
Aug 3, 2009 - doc - 31 KB
Aug 5, 2009 - zip - 415.6 KB
Jul 30, 2009 - zip - 203.9 KB
Aug 5, 2009 - ppt - 231.5 KB
Jul 30, 2009 - xls - 205 KB
May 17, 2009 - doc - 75.5 KB
Jul 30, 2009 - ppt - 158.5 KB
Jul 31, 2009 - ppt - 647 KB
Jul 30, 2009 - ppt - 330 KB
Jul 30, 2009 - ppt - 803 KB
Jul 17, 2009 - ppt - 360 KB
Jul 30, 2009 - ppt - 820 KB
Jul 29, 2009 - ppt - 980 KB
Aug 5, 2009 - pdf - 498.9 KB
Aug 5, 2009 - zip - 5.8 MB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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