TDTWG NAESB Failover Workshop Meeting

August 08, 2007
10:00 AM - 03:00 PM
ONCOR Dallas Offices
1616 Woodall Rodgers Freeway
Dallas, TX 75202
Room 2-100
Dial-In: 512-225-7260
Dial-In Code: 1732

RSVP for Lunch Headcount.  Call Debbie McKeever for ONCOR building access at 214-212-7990.


Agenda Item

Leading Discussion


  • Introductions
  • Review of Agenda
  • Antitrust Statement

ANTITRUST GUIDELINES FOR MEMBERS OF ERCOT COMMITTEES, SUBCOMMITTEES AND WORKING GROUPS It is ERCOT’s policy and expectation that all persons participating in ERCOT activities (including all ERCOT meetings, committee meetings, conference calls, email communications and informal discussions) comply with the antitrust laws.  These Antitrust Guidelines are designed to assist members of and participants in ERCOT committees and working groups in recognizing conduct that may violate the antitrust laws.  ERCOT strictly prohibits market participants and their employees who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT activities as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the antitrust laws.

Jesse Cline

10:00 am

Formal Statement/Definition of the Issue

  • Individual Outage situation
  • Market wide (e.g. Internet, Single ISP)

Jesse Cline

10:10 am

Current Procedures - what are the current alternate procedures if there is a communication or system failure


10:15 am

Discuss any "market" defined/documented resolutions to Issue (in TDSP's & CR's, ERCOT Protocols; Retail Market Guide; TDTWG NAESB v1.6 Implementation Guide; National NAESB standards)

  • Review Guides
    • TDTWG NAESB v1.6 Implementation ERCOT (Dave Farley/Clay Katskee)
    • National NAESB standards ERCOT, TXU (NAESB technical expert)
    • Protocols CNP (Kathy Scott)
    • Retail Market Guide CNP (Kathy Scott)
    • TMTP/TW T XU (Johnny Robertson), AEP (Annette Morton)
  • Suggestions for language in these areas, if needed


10:35 am




Discuss Options

  • Alternate Protocol - do we want to include an alternate protocol or just work with different options under the NAESB protocol
  • DR Site - Can the solution be as simple as everyone maintaining a Hot/Disaster Recovery Site
  • Others 


1:00 pm

Threshold  or Elapsed time that would trigger a failover situation, can it vary based on MP


1:35 pm

Potential Cost & Impact of implementing Alternatives (for ERCOT; for Market Participants)


2:00 pm

Ramifications of NOT implementing a new process/procedure/protocol/etc.


2:30 pm

Determine whether there is a  Next Step and/or workshop; set date if applicable

Jesse Cline

2:45 pm


Jesse Cline

3:00 pm