OGRTF Meeting

August 15, 2006
10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Dial-In: 512.225.7280
Dial-In Code: 1404



  • Review of July 18th  2006 meeting notes and action items to ensure the agenda is complete.
  • Presentation by Colleen Frosch and Steve Grendel (ERCOT) on Nodalization of the Operating Guides
  • OGRR's:  Posted for comments and TF review

186 -Emergency Electric Curtailment Plan (EECP) Event Realignment:  These revisions set forth the necessary sequence for ERCOT to process EECP related items, thereby allowing ERCOT to be more proactive in communicating system conditions during certain events. This revision is necessary to ensure proper communication of certain system conditions to the market in a timely manner. (Posted for comments 08/04/06)

  • Old Business:

165- Update Unit Telemetry RequirementThis revision proposes to add a requirement for QSEs to submit real-time AGC status and Ramp Rate for all units in their portfolio. ERCOT will have more data available to analyze whether or not QSEs are in compliance for Ancillary Services. Generation Resources will have to implement systems to send AGC status and ramp rate to ERCOT. ROS voted unanimously to remand OGRR165 to OWG for clarification of the language surrounding the information that ERCOT is expecting to receive from QSEs, and the intended purpose of the information being submitted.  All market segments were present for the vote. ROS discussed the feasibility of using instantaneous Resource ramp rates for compliance, operations, and analysis purposes and agreed that the intended purpose of that information was not clear. (Posted for comment 04/01/05, to date ERCOT, OGRTF, OWG, and ROS have presented comments)

181 - Submission of Consistent Data for Planning and Operational Models:  This OGRR adds language that will require that data on existing and future ERCOT System components and topology submitted to ERCOT by Transmission and/or Distribution Service Providers (TDSPs) for use in Planning and Operational Models is consistent. The transmission system could be at risk if planned or operated on inconsistent data.  As consistent data tends to yield consistent results, it is good business practice to correlate existing ERCOT System components and topology within Planning and Operational models. (Posted for comment, 02/03/06, to date ERCOT, TXUED, and CenterPoint have presented commented.) NOTE:  Scott Helyer and his special committee to review language and content and provide recommendation back to OGRTF.

  • New Business: Open Forum

The next OGRTF Meeting is Tuesday, September 19, 2006 room 168 10:00 am to 4:00 pm ERCOT Met Center, Austin. 

Scheduled OGRTF Meetings

Key Documents

Aug 11, 2006 - ppt - 62 KB
Aug 11, 2006 - doc - 36 KB
Aug 11, 2006 - doc - 40.5 KB

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