OGRTF Meeting

August 16, 2005
10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Rm. 161



ERCOT strictly prohibits market participants and their employees who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT activities as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the antitrust laws.  The ERCOT Board has approved guidelines for members of ERCOT Committees, subcommittees and working Groups to be reviewed and followed by each market participant attending ERCOT meetings.

Review of July 19, 2005 meeting notes and action items to be sure the agenda is complete.  

OGRR’s:  NEW Posting

  • 172 -- Special Protection System Obligations:  The changes permit the sharing of limited TDSP operating information with Generation Entities subject to SPS control as necessary to avoid SPS operations. The changes also propose differences in the SPS review and approval process between new SPSs that involve Generation Entities or affect a wide area, and other SPSs.
    The avoidance of unnecessary SPS operations justifies the sharing of operating information that might otherwise be viewed as potentially market sensitive. Some highly local SPSs (e.g., series reactor insertion or existing SPS settings modifications) should not have to complete the full ERCOT SPS review and approval process before being placed in service. (Posted on 07/28/05)

 OGRR’s -- Posted for comments

  • 169 -- Reporting of Reserve Capability Under Severe Gas Curtailments:  Adds a requirement that Resources provide additional data describing their alternative fuel capability during the winter months. (Posted on 06/14/05 for comments. OGRTF, Austin Energy, and LCRA have commented to date.)
    The additional data is necessary for determining the amount of MW that can be served from Resources in ERCOT in the event there is a severe weather condition that results in gas curtailments.  ERCOT requests urgency for this PRR to ensure that it is able to collect the data in time to develop and publish the Winter Report by November 1, 2005.
    • 171 -- Testing of Quick Start Units in the Balancing Energy Market:  This OGRR establishes the test by which a quick start unit can demonstrate its ability to perform in the BES market, as required by PRR588.
      ERCOT has concerns that quick start units participating in the BES market may have negative impact on system reliability. (Posted on 06/30/05 for comments. Austin Energy has commented to date.) 

    Old Business:  Leo Villanueva to check on status of PRR 409 and report to TF. TF to discuss alternative reporting form formats with respect to OGRR169. Review the Supplementary Status Report form distributed for possible use by ERCOT Ops.

    New Business:  Open forum

    The next OGRTF Meeting will be on Tuesday, September 20, 2005 at the ERCOT Met Center, Austin, room 161 from 10:00 to 16:00. 

    OGRTF Chair:  Stephen C. Knapp (Steve)
    410-468-3606 (Office)
    443-286-6785 (Cell Phone)

    Scheduled OGRTF Meetings

    Key Documents

    Sep 19, 2005 - doc - 37 KB
    Aug 12, 2005 - doc - 46 KB
    Aug 12, 2005 - xls - 27.5 KB

    All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.