Finance and Audit Committee Meeting

August 21, 2007
08:00 AM - 10:00 AM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 168

1. Call to order C. Karnei 8:00am

Adjourn to Executive Session

  1. Approval of executive session minutes (Vote) (07/17/07)
  2. Revised Procedure for Employee Background & Reference Checks
  3. Internal Audit status report
  4. Update on Internal Audit department 2007 goals
  5. EthicsPoint update
  6. Identity & Access Management project update
  7. Legal advice and counsel
  8. SAS 70 Auditor Selection for 2008 (Vote)
C. Karnei
N. Capezzuti

B. Wullenjohn
B. Wullenjohn
B. Wullenjohn
D. Troxtell
A. Gallo
B. Wullenjohn

Adjourn to Open Session

3. Approval of ISO general session minutes (Vote) (07/17/07) (Vote) (08/07/07) C. Karnei 8:40am
4. Update on 2007 SAS 70 S. Barry 8:41am
5. Update on third party credit review C. Yager 8:50am
6. Creditworthiness standards update (Vote) C. Yager 8:55am
7. Recommendation of 2008 budget (Vote) Preliminary review of 2009 budget M. Petterson 9:05am
8. Preview Compliance and ERM update (Q&A only) S. Byone 9:35am
9. Committee Briefs (Q&A only) All 9:40am
10. Future agenda items S. Byone 9:50am
11. Adjourn ISO meeting 9:55am

Scheduled FINANCE_AUDIT Meetings

Key Documents

20070821 FA Mtg Materials
Finance & Audit Meeting Materials
Aug 14, 2007 - pdf - 1.3 MB

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