PRS Meeting

August 21, 2008
09:30 AM - 03:30 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 206B
Dial-In: 512-225-7274
Dial-In Code: 5723



Antitrust Admonition


K. Gresham


Approval of Minutes (Vote)

July 17, 2008

K. Gresham


Urgency Votes (Possible Vote)

PRR772, Description of MCPE Cap and Shadow Price Cap Methodology

K. Gresham


TAC and Board Reports

K. Gresham


Project Update and Summary of Project Priority List (PPL) Activity to Date


T. Anderson


Review of Recommendation Report, Impact Analysis and Cost/Benefit Analysis (Vote)

PRR765, Time of Use Revisions

NPRR102, Implementation of PUC Subst. R. 25.505(f), Publication of Resource and Load Information.

NPRR124, Resource Node Updated Definitions

NPRR126, Section 19, Synchronization of Zonal Protocols



Review of Protocol Revision Requests (PRRs) Language (Vote)

PRR754, Resource Settlement Due to Forced Transmission Outage

PRR767, Issuance of Alerts for Certain Uses of Balancing Energy

PRR768, TDSP Energy Storage for Reliability

PRR769, EECP Media Appeal Change

PRR771, Ramp Rate Limitation of 10% per minute of On-Line Capacity for Wind-powered Generation Resources



Review of Nodal Protocol Revision Requests (NPRRs) Language (Vote)

NPRR129, Section 15, Synchronization of Zonal Protocols

NPRR138, Credit Monitoring and Management Reports

NPRR141, TSP and/or DSP Energy Storage for Reliability

NPRR144, Five RUC Deployments Needed Before Requiring Verifiable Costs

NPRR145, PPAs as Resource-Specific Verifiable Costs Documentation

The following NPRRs have not yet been reviewed by TPTF and are subject to referral to TPTF by PRS:

NPRR139, ACL, EAL, FCE Calculation Updates 

NPRR140, Revision to CRR Obligation Margin Adder 

NPRR142, EECP Media Appeal Change

NPRR143, Section 9.9.1, Invoice Recipient Payment to ERCOT for the CRR Auction

NPRR146, ICCP Telemetry Information Submittals

NPRR147, DAM Short Pay Charges


Notice of Withdrawal


Update on review of Nodal documents without defined owners or update processes for determination of whether they should be incorporated into guides or protocols, or remain as standalone documents

K. Gresham


Other Business

PRR743, TCR Transition to CRR (Possible Vote)




Future PRS Meetings

  • September 18, 2008
  • October 21, 2008


Scheduled PRS Meetings

Key Documents

Aug 14, 2008 - doc - 94.5 KB
Aug 15, 2008 - zip - 978.1 KB
Aug 15, 2008 - zip - 154.7 KB
Aug 20, 2008 - zip - 58.8 KB
Aug 14, 2008 - doc - 110 KB
Aug 14, 2008 - ppt - 148.5 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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