TPTF Meeting

August 25, 2008
09:30 AM - 05:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 206A
Teleconference: 866-469-3239
Meeting number: 350 754 268
Meeting password: TPTF123!!

Requested Links:
| IDA Punchlist | TPTF Punchlist | Quality Center | Nodal Metrics | Nodal Schedules | Nodal Reports | SPR1643 Bucket | EDS-SLA Metrics Summary | Managing Protocol Content

1. Antitrust Admonition

J. Mickey

2. Review Agenda

J. Mickey

3. Confirm Future Meetings at the Met Center:
  • September 8 - 9, 2008
  • September 22 - 24, 2008
  • October 13 - 14, 2008
  • October 27 - 29, 2008

J. Mickey

4. TPTF Housekeeping Items:
  • Discuss revisions to vote tallies from May 23 and July 7

S. Bridges

5. Consider Approval of meeting minutes:
  • August 11 - 12, 2008 TPTF meeting (possible vote*)

S. Bridges

6. Nodal Status Report
  • Program Status Update
  • Integrated Nodal Program Schedule
  • Projects Status Updates
  • Change-Control Update
  • Quality Center Update

R. Hinsley
A. Martinez
T. Anderson
E. Hall

9:40 am

  12:00 pm
7. Readiness Update
  • Staffing
  • Readiness Metrics

K. Lamoree

1:15 pm
8. Revised Readiness Metrics

Review comments for ERCOT-recommended revisions to Readiness Metrics (possible vote*)
  • MP1, Market Participant (MP) Engagement
  • MP2, QSE with Resources Connectivity to EDS Environment
  • MP3, QSE with Resources Upload of SCED Offers to EDS
  • MP5, ICCP Point to Point Telemetry Test
  • MP6, QSE and TSP Telemetry/ICCP System Availability
  • MP8, QSE Ability to Submit Transactions Via MIS
  • MP9, QSE Ability to Submit Web Service Transactions
  • MP10, Mapping of Resources to Resource Nodes and Resources to EPS Meters is Complete
  • MP11, MP Registration Activities
  • MP12, MP Completes Nodal Market Related Training
  • MP13, MP Completes Nodal Operations Related Training
  • MP14-A, MP EDS 2, Release 3 Trials Participation
  • MP14-B, MP EDS 2, Release 4 Trials Participation
  • MP14-C, MP EDS 2, TSP Model Synchronization Participation
  • MP15-A, MP EDS 3, Releases 5 and 6 Participation
  • MP15-B, MP EDS 3, Release 7 Trials Participation
  • MP16, MP EDS 4 Trials Participation
  • MP17, MP Qualification Activities
  • MP18, Mapping of Resources and Loads in Private Area Networks is Complete
  • MP19, Load Serving Entitles Engagement and Readiness
  • MP20, MP Ability to Submit Outage - Connectivity Test
  • MP22, New Entrant Readiness  

K. Lamoree
S. Anderson

1:45 pm
9. Process Update
  • Discussion of Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC) Process
  • Question & Answer Session

K. Lamoree
M. Patterson

3:00 pm
10. NPRR141, TDSP Energy Storage for Reliability (possible vote*)
  • Discuss PRS feedback
  • Assign essentiality status (Needed for "Go-Live," Nodal Approved Post "Go-Live," or "Deferred Projects")
K. Fox

4:15 pm

  End by 5:00 pm

Scheduled TPTF Meetings

Key Documents

Sep 24, 2008 - doc - 216.5 KB
Feb 6, 2009 - zip - 422.5 KB
Sep 5, 2008 - zip - 946.5 KB
Aug 21, 2008 - doc - 128 KB
04- Vote Revisions from May 23 and July 7
(carried from TPTF 081108)
Aug 8, 2008 - zip - 325 KB
Aug 21, 2008 - doc - 180 KB
Aug 22, 2008 - ppt - 234 KB
Aug 22, 2008 - ppt - 586 KB
Aug 22, 2008 - xls - 57.5 KB
Aug 22, 2008 - ppt - 264 KB
08- PMO Working Metric Inventory v0.11
(this inventory has been broken into three documents for discussion purposes)
Aug 20, 2008 - zip - 205.1 KB
08- PMO Active Metric Inventory v6.3
(this inventory will remain redlined until approved by TAC)
Aug 20, 2008 - zip - 321 KB
08- Responses - PMO Working Metric Inventory v0.09
(from the review ending July 17) (carried from TPTF 081108)
Aug 20, 2008 - xls - 358 KB
08- Comments - PMO Working Metric Inventory v0.09
(AEP, BP, CNP, Luminant, Oncor, PGC, Reliant) (from the review ending July 17) (carried from TPTF 081108)
Aug 20, 2008 - zip - 193 KB
Aug 21, 2008 - doc - 616.5 KB
Aug 21, 2008 - zip - 310.3 KB
12- Comments - SIG0002 White Paper Private Use Networks v0.23
(CenterPoint, Luminant, Reliant) (from the review ending July 15) (carried from TPTF 080408)
Aug 20, 2008 - zip - 110.4 KB
12- Comments - SIG White Papers
(LCRA, Luminant, Reliant) (from the review ending Aug 4)
Aug 20, 2008 - zip - 299.6 KB
Aug 25, 2008 - ppt - 142.5 KB
Aug 25, 2008 - xls - 81 KB
Aug 5, 2008 - doc - 331 KB
16- Comments - NPRR140, Revision to CRR Obligation Margin Adder
(DC Energy) (from the review ending July 17) (carried from TPTF 072108)
Jul 18, 2008 - doc - 28.5 KB
16- Comments - NPRR140, Revision to CRR Obligation Margin Adder
(TPTF) (TPTF markup carried from TPTF 072108)
Jul 21, 2008 - doc - 153.5 KB
16- Comments - NPRR147, DAM Short Pay Changes
(Reliant, Luminant, PGC) (from the review ending Aug 21)
Aug 23, 2008 - zip - 44.1 KB
Aug 23, 2008 - ppt - 159.5 KB
Aug 23, 2008 - doc - 136.5 KB
21- Proposal to Produce CRR Network Model Diagrams v0.04
(carried from the review ending ending Aug 4)
Jul 22, 2008 - doc - 681 KB
21- Comments - MIS/CRR/NMMS CRR Map Requirements v0.92
(Luminant) (from the review ending Aug 4)
Aug 5, 2008 - doc - 124.5 KB
Aug 18, 2008 - xls - 41 KB
22- Comments - TNM Single-Entry Model Go-Live Procedure
(CenterPoint, Oncor) (from the review ending July 30)
Aug 19, 2008 - zip - 233.3 KB
23- Draft NPRR, Generation Resource Fixed Quantity Block Offer
(no comments received from the review ending Aug 5)
Jul 23, 2008 - doc - 90 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.