MarkeTrak Task Force Meeting

September 18, 2007
10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
TXU Corporate Offices - Dallas
1601 Bryan St.
Dallas, TX 75201
- Room EP2-155
Dial-In: 1-866-310-1577
Dial-In Code: 2148758603

Contact at TXU is Johnny Robertson: Office 214-875-8165


Antitrust Admonition                                                                                         10:00 am

It is ERCOT's policy and expectation that all persons participating in ERCOT

activities (including all ERCOT meetings, committee meetings, conference calls,

email communications and informal discussions) comply with the antitrust laws.

These Antitrust Guidelines are designed to assist members of and participants in

ERCOT committees and working groups in recognizing conduct that may violate

the antitrust laws. ERCOT strictly prohibits market participants and their employees

who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT

activities as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the

antitrust laws.


Review Agenda


Approve notes from August 21st and 22nd meetings                                          


Complete the following Use Cases for user and technical comments              10:15 am

a. DEV Issue Sub-Type 'IDR usage present MP not ERCOT',                                                                

add a 'TOTAL' field to GUI. This field would be required. Also                                                   

map this to the API.


b.      DEV LSE Issues: Once TDSP modifies date(s), ALL parties                                                     

involved in issue should be able to view the Modified date.


c.       For TDSP submitted DEV LSE Issues, allow user to proactively                                               

enter information in the field 'Service Hist With Duns for Affected                                           

Period' [if user sees fit  at the time of submission]. This field would                                               

be optional. Map to GUI, Bulk Insert and API.


Lunch                                                                                                               12:00 noon


Stop Times (date/timestamp functionality) on DEV LSE times   ERCOT        1:00 pm

 How it currently functions and future enhancements.


Feedback from the following Use Cases:                                                           

a.       IAG Use Case

b.      Cancel With Approval

c.       Cancel without Approval

d.      Premise Type Field

e.       Add Close State to D2D Issues


Any Additional Requirements that would like to be presented


Comments from Market:

To not allow changes to the Title field in the creation of MT issues  all types

Don't capture Issue owner during "Begin Working" unless the owner field is empty.

How to capture comments when they have exceeded the limit of 4000 characters

Adjourn                                                                                                            4:00 pm

Scheduled MARKETRAKTF Meetings

Key Documents

Sep 24, 2007 - doc - 157 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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