MarkeTrak Task Force Meeting

October 03, 2007
09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Constellation NewEnergy Houston
1221 Lamar Street, Suite 750
Houston, TX 77010
 - Jupiter Conf. Room
Dial-In: 888-232-6300
Dial-In Code: 147263

Constellation Contact Person: Laura.Gonzalez@constellation.com


Antitrust Admonition                                                                                 9:00 am

Complete the following Use Cases for user and technical comments           9:15 am

     Use Case 70007 - 16 - D2D Subtype Service Address 09_11_07.doc

     Use Case 70007 - 15 - D2D Subtype Premise Type 09_11_07.doc

     Use Case 70007 - xx - D2D Subtype Service Order

     Use Case 70007 - xx - D2D Subtype Safety Net

     Use Case 70007 - xx - D2D Subtype Move out with Meter Removal

Lunch                                                                                                       12:00 noon


Use Case 70007 - xx - Service period Start date added but is optional

      for missing transaction, projects, Siebel Chg/Info, and other subtypes

Use Case 70007 - xx - Service period Start date added and is required

     for Rep of Record and Usage/Billing. Add Service Period Stop as optional


Review comments from IAG Task Force

       Use Case 70007 - 1 - Inadvertent Gain_09_17_07.doc


Comments/Action Items

       Use Case 70007 - 2 - Premise Type Field 08_25_07.doc

       Use Case 70007 - 3 - Add Close State to D2D Issues 09_18_07.doc

       Use Case 70007 - 4 - Cancel With Approval 09_17_07.doc

       Use Case 70007 - 5 - Cancel Without Approval 09_17_07.doc

Adjourn                                                                                                       3:00 pm

Scheduled MARKETRAKTF Meetings

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