TPTF Meeting

October 08, 2007
09:30 AM - 05:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 206A
Teleconference: 866-469-3239
Meeting number: 357 326 163
Meeting password: TPTF123!!


1. Antitrust Admonition T. Doggett 9:30am
2. Review Agenda T. Doggett
3. Confirm Future TPTF Meetings:
  • October 22-23 at ERCOT MetCenter (2 days)
  • November 5-6 at ERCOT MetCenter (2 days)
  • November 26-28 at ERCOT MetCenter (3 days)

Announce Other Future Meetings:
  • UI Subgroup Meeting - October 11, 2007
  • TPTF Readiness Metrics Review - November 9, 2007
  • Nodal Market Readiness Seminar- October 30, 2007
T. Doggett
4. Consider Approval of September 24-26 Meeting Minutes (possible vote*) T. Doggett
5. Quality Center Update T. Doggett
6. COMS Update
  • Draft NPRR for RUC Capacity Shortfall Ratio Share Formula (possible vote*)
  • Review COMS Requirements updated through Baseline 2 (possible vote*)
  • Settlement Statements Paper Prototype (possible vote*)

R. Chudgar
K. Ragsdale
B. Barnes

7. NMMS Update
  • Electrical Bus and Settlement Point Price mapping
  • Draft NPRR - Resource Entity Electrical Bus (possible vote*)
R. Chudgar
8. Discussion of vendor interpretation of commitment in DAM and RUC S. Siddiqi
9. Nodal Program Update J. Sullivan
10. EDS Update on Real-Time ICCP data D. Cote

End by 5pm

Scheduled TPTF Meetings

Key Documents

Oct 23, 2007 - doc - 187.5 KB
Oct 10, 2007 - zip - 460.2 KB
Oct 4, 2007 - doc - 78.5 KB
Oct 24, 2007 - zip - 22.1 MB
Oct 5, 2007 - doc - 263 KB
06b1- COMS Updated Requirements
(Blacklines for TPTF approval on Oct. 8)
Oct 5, 2007 - zip - 16 MB
06b2- Responses - COMS Updated Requirements
(from the review ending Oct. 1)
Oct 4, 2007 - zip - 68.1 KB
06b3- Comments - COMS Updated Requirements
(Coral, LCRA) (from the review ending Oct. 1)
Oct 2, 2007 - zip - 1.1 MB
06c1- COMS Settlement Statement Prototype Final
(carried from the review ending Oct. 3)
Oct 4, 2007 - doc - 285.5 KB
Oct 3, 2007 - xls - 19.5 KB
06c3- Comments - COMS Settlement Statement Prototype Final
(LCRA) (from the review ending Oct. 3)
Oct 3, 2007 - doc - 19.5 KB
Oct 8, 2007 - ppt - 273.5 KB
Oct 8, 2007 - ppt - 507 KB
Oct 4, 2007 - doc - 174.5 KB
Oct 4, 2007 - ppt - 343 KB
Oct 4, 2007 - xls - 27 KB
Oct 4, 2007 - zip - 692.6 KB
13b1- CRR - TCR to CRR Transition Plan v0.07
(carried from the review ending Oct. 2 - no comments received)
Sep 27, 2007 - doc - 186 KB
13b2- Comments - CRR - TCR to CRR Transition Plan v0.07
(LCRA) (from the review ending Oct. 2)
Oct 2, 2007 - doc - 25 KB
14a3- Comments - MMS DAM and SASM Requirements (B2) v1.01
(Luminant, P&GC) (from the review ending Oct. 2)
Oct 4, 2007 - zip - 1.5 MB
Oct 4, 2007 - xls - 35.5 KB
Oct 4, 2007 - zip - 2 MB
14c1- MMS RUC Requirements (B2) v1.01
(carried from the review ending Oct. 2 - no comments received)
Oct 4, 2007 - doc - 1.6 MB
Oct 5, 2007 - xls - 54 KB
15b- Comments - INF MP Identity Management Requirements v0.90
(Luminant, Reliant, LCRA) (from the review ending Oct. 4)
Oct 4, 2007 - zip - 397.7 KB
Oct 5, 2007 - doc - 73.5 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.