Texas SET Meeting

October 26, 2006
09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Dial-In: 512.225.7280
Dial-In Code: 4721


Day 1 - October 25, 2006

1. Texas SET Meeting
  • Antitrust Admonition
  • Introductions
  • Approval of the Draft October 4-5, 2006 Meeting Notes
9:30 AM
2. RMS Update
  • PRR693
    • RMS Recommendation 10/11/06
    • PRS Recommendation 10/19/06
  • RMGRR042
    • RMS Recommendation 10/11/06
9:45 AM
3. Sub-team/MCT Update to Texas SET
  • Update from Visio/Swimlane Subteam (Meeting 10/12/2006) - Kyle Patrick
  • Update from Market Coordination Team (Meeting 10/24/2006) - Susan Munson
  • Any issues/emergency controls to address
10:00 AM
4. TX SET New Issues / Discussion Items:
  • Issue 038 - SCP Reject Code on 814_02
  • Issue 040 - Pending customer-requested MVO is canceled by ERCOT per stacking rule if MVI is received for same day or earlier
  • POLR Discussion - Confirm process for treatment of POLR Customers at end of POLR term - Discussion may require PUCT Staff input.
  • 814_20 Rejects A76 (ESI ID Not Found or Invalid) Issue identified by ERCOT814_20 maintains that are failing for A76 (ESI ID Invalid or Not Found) into a retry queue. ERCOT's research indicates that about 30% of those maintains that get rejected are on ESI IDs that eventually get created. (70% of them are on ESI IDs that never did get created in our system.) Of the 30% that are real ESI IDs, 95% get created within a day or 2 of the reject, so a retry queue would prevent them from rejecting. ERCOT apologizes for asking so close to the actual meeting, but they need the answer soon. If the Market agrees next week, ERCOT can get this functionality when RBP goes live in December.
10:15 AM
Count Percentage
Total # 814_20s rejected for A76 38,451  
ESI IDs that were eventually created 11,182 29.08% of total the rejected
Number that were created within 2 days of 814_20 reject 10,700 95.7% of those that get created would be saved by a 2 day retry queue
5. Review Texas SET Transactions
  • Review MP feedback on Action Item from 10/5
  • ERCOT Comments (C. Meiners):
  • 2 suggested changes

814_11 is the response that ERCOT sends to the dropping CR containing the Scheduled Meter Read Date. It is equivalent to the 814_05 and I don't believe we should be looking to get rid of it. 814_09 from CR is one of the transactions that I think should be looked at. We may decide we still need it, but I think it's worth considering. Another thing to think about is that 814_09s come to ERCOT from both TDSPs and from CRs. We need the 814_09s from the TDSPs even if we decide we can get rid of them from the CRs. Perhaps we should break out those transactions that come from different entities into different lines? (814_13s and 814_19s fall into a similar situation.

11:15 AM
Lunch 12:30 PM
6. 814_20 Mass Volume of Updates

Near-Term Discussion/Interim Recommendation

  • Near-term - Karen Farley to provide feedback to TX SET concerning ERCOT's 814_20 internal discussion/investigation and interim recommendations.
  • Questions to CRs and TDSPs: Based on ERCOT's interim recommendation for Large Volumes of 814 transactions:
    • Can TDSP's/CR's systems process receipt of mass quantities of 814s received all at once? (example - Mass Transitions)
    • If there are system limitations what are the limitations?
1:30 PM
7. PRR672 Market-Collaboration Discussions and Conference
  • Follow-up Action Items from PRR672 October 2, 2006 Meeting and Wrap-up
  • Discussion/Recommendation - Karen Farley to lead discussion
    • Conference Call Numbers: (512-225-7280 password 6542)
3:00 PM
Adjourn 5:00 PM

Day 2 - October 26, 2006

1. Mass Transition spreadsheets
  • Appendix F2 - ERCOT to TDSPs - Market Synch
  • Appendix F3 - ERCOT to CRs - Gaining List of ESI IDs
  • Appendix F4 - ERCOT to CRs - List of Pending Transactions
    • Develop Emergency/Urgent RMGRR
    • Changes must be implemented by January 1, 2007
8:30 AM
Lunch 12:00 PM
2. Review Outstanding TX SET Action Items 1:30 PM
3. Check Point
  • Action Items for next meeting.
  • Any New Business for Next Meeting?
2:30 PM
4. Adjourn - Next Meeting Schedule:

November 2006 - 2 dates

  • Meeting Location ERCOT Met Center Conference Room 168:
  • Market Coordination Team Meeting date:
    • Monday, November 6, 2006 (10:00AM - 5:00PM)
  • Texas SET Meeting date:
    • Tuesday, November 7, 2006 (09:30AM - 3:00PM)

December 2006 - 2 dates

  • Meeting Location CenterPoint Energy Houston Office
  • Address: 1111 Louisiana Street Houston, Texas 77002:
  • Market Coordination Team Meeting date:
    • Monday, December 11, 2006 (10:00AM - 5:00PM)
  • Texas SET Meeting date:
    • Tuesday, November 12, 2006 (09:30AM - 3:00PM)
3:00 PM

Scheduled TXSET Meetings

Key Documents

Oct 30, 2006 - xls - 157.5 KB
Oct 16, 2006 - doc - 91.5 KB
Nov 3, 2006 - doc - 113.5 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.