TAC Meeting

November 01, 2007
09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 206
Dial-In: 512-225-7280
Dial-In Code: 6237



Antitrust Admonition

M. Dreyfus

9:30 a.m.


Approval of the Draft October 5, 2007 TAC Meeting Minutes (Vote)

M. Dreyfus

9:35 a.m.


ERCOT Board Update

  • Remand of Proposed Increase to Responsive Reserves (Possible Vote)

M. Dreyfus

9:40 a.m.


Reliability and Operations Subcommittee Report
  • NOGRR002, Nodal Operating Guides - Section 2, System Operations and Control Requirements (Possible Vote)

S. Nelson

10:10 a.m.


Protocol Revisions Subcommittee Report
  • Protocol Revision Request (PRR):
    • PRR727, Process for Transition to Nodal Market Protocol Provisions (Vote)
    • PRR735, Incorporating the ERCOT Internal Audit Department and Other Clarifications (See NPRR077) (Vote)
  • Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR):

    • NPRR077, Incorporating the ERCOT Internal Audit Department and Other Clarifications (See PRR735) (Vote)

K. Gresham


10:40 a.m.




Texas Nodal Implementation
  • Nodal Market Performance Monitoring Program for QSEs, TSPs, and Ancillary Services (Vote)
  • TCR to CRR Transition Plan (Vote)
  • TPTF October Report
    • Approval of TPTF Milestone Completion (Vote):
      • Restructured Congestion Revenue Right (CRR) Requirements Specification
      • Energy Management System (EMS) Data Models Requirements (B2)
      • EMS Dynamic Ratings Requirements (B2)
      • EMS Requirements (B2)
      • EMS Forced Outage Detection Requirements (B2)
      • EMS Generation Subsystem Requirements (B2)
      • EMS Load Forecasting Requirements (B2)
      • EMS Network Security and Stability Analysis Requirements (B2)
      • EMS Outage Evaluation Requirements (B2)
      • EMS Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Requirements (B2)
      • EMS State Estimator (SE) Requirements (B2)
      • EMS Voltage Support Services Requirements (B2)
      • EMS Wind Power Forecasting Requirements (B2)
      • EMS Conceptual System Design
      • MMS Requirements for Overall MMS and Other Processes (B2)
      • MMS Requirements for SCED and Real-Time Processes (B2)
    • Nodal Readiness Metrics (Vote):
      • E3, Validate Telemetry/SE Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)/ Data Accuracy
      • MP12, Market Participant (MP) Completes Early Delivery System (EDS) 3 Related Training
      • EMO9, Validate Zonal and Nodal Common Constraints
      • MO5, Generate LMPs for 6 Months
      • MP6, QSE and TSP Telemetry/ICCP System Availability
      • N2, ERCOT Telemetry/ICCP System Failover
      • N3, Validate SE Performance and Accuracy
      • EO, ERCOT Engagement
  • TPTF November Report
    • Approval of TPTF Milestone Completion (Vote):
      • Average Incremental Energy Cost Settlements Requirements (B2)
      • Black Start Services Real-Time Settlements Requirements (B2)
      • Congestion Revenue Rights (CRR) Auction Revenue Disbursement Requirements (B2)
      • CRR Balancing Account Requirements (B2)
      • Day-Ahead Market (DAM) CRR Settlements Requirements (B2)
      • Data Aggregation Requirements (B2)
      • Dispute Management Requirements (B2)
      • Eligibility Process for Settlements Requirements (B2)
      • Financial Transfer Requirements (B2)
      • Real-Time CRR Settlements Requirements (B2)
      • Real-Time Energy Settlements Requirements (B2)
      • Real-Time Reliability Must Run (RMR) Services Settlements Requirements (B2)
      • Registration Requirements (B2)
      • Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC) Settlements Requirements (B2)
      • Settlement Invoice Requirements (B2)
      • Settlement Statement Requirements (B2)
      • DAM Make Whole Settlement Requirements Specification (B2)
      • DAM Energy Settlements Requirements (B2)
      • DAM AS Settlements Requirements (B2)
      • Real-Time Ancillary Services Settlements Requirements (B2)
      • Real-Time Emergency Operations Settlements Requirements (B2)
      • Voltage Support Real-Time Settlements Requirements (B2)
      • Verifiable Costs Requirements (B2)
      • Market Management System (MMS) RUC Requirements (B2)
      • MMS CCT Requirements (B2)
      • MMS DAM and Supplemental Ancillary Service Market (SASM) Requirements (B2)
      • MMS Conceptual System Design (B2)
      • Infrastructure (INF) Market Participant (MP) Identity Management (IM) Requirements
      • INF MP Identity Management CSD
  • ERCOT Report
    • Program Update
    J. Adams

    B. Garza
    T. Doggett
















































    J. Sullivan


    11:10 a.m.







    12:30 p.m.



    Commercial Operations Subcommittee Report
    • LPGRR026, Load Profiles with Three Digits to the Right of the Decimal Point (Vote)


    L. Starr


    1:00 p.m.



    Retail Market Subcommittee Report
    • RMGRR057, Competitive Metering Working Group Name Change (Vote)


    B. Gross


    1:25 p.m.



    Wholesale Market Subcommittee Report
    • Balancing EILS and Extra Reserve Task Force Report (Possible Vote)

    B. Belk

    1:50 p.m.



    Operations and Planning Reports
    • Grid Operation Report




    2:30 p.m.



    Texas Regional Entity Report

    L. Grimm


    2:45 p.m.



    Other Business

  • Distributed Generation Task Force Update

  • 2008 TAC Meeting Schedule


  • M. Dreyfus

    L. Jones

    3:00 p.m.





    M. Dreyfus

    3:30 p.m.


    Scheduled TAC Meetings

    Key Documents

    Oct 26, 2007 - doc - 133.5 KB
    Oct 31, 2007 - doc - 185 KB
    Oct 25, 2007 - xls - 120 KB
    Oct 25, 2007 - doc - 240 KB
    Oct 30, 2007 - ppt - 502.5 KB
    Oct 23, 2007 - zip - 196.5 KB
    Oct 30, 2007 - ppt - 117 KB
    Oct 23, 2007 - doc - 198 KB
    Oct 28, 2007 - ppt - 413 KB
    Oct 29, 2007 - ppt - 67 KB
    Oct 3, 2007 - zip - 5.2 MB
    Oct 24, 2007 - zip - 802.8 KB
    Oct 26, 2007 - zip - 21.1 MB
    Sep 27, 2007 - ppt - 140.5 KB
    Oct 24, 2007 - ppt - 138.5 KB
    Oct 24, 2007 - ppt - 168 KB
    Oct 28, 2007 - ppt - 36 KB
    Oct 31, 2007 - ppt - 91 KB
    Oct 25, 2007 - pdf - 69.7 KB
    Oct 24, 2007 - ppt - 374 KB
    Oct 25, 2007 - xls - 32.5 KB
    Oct 31, 2007 - zip - 28.7 MB

    All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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