PRS Meeting by Webex Only

November 10, 2021
09:30 AM
Teleconference: 877-668-4493
Meeting number: 182 190 7905
Meeting password: S2vf3R


All ERCOT Members intending to vote should join through WebEx and have access to their company email.

For Voting Members:

  • PRS Standing Representatives should submit Alternate Representative designations no later than 3PM the day prior to the meeting
  • Non-Standing Representatives who intend to vote at PRS should send an email stating your Intent to Vote to Stakeholder Services at stakeholderservices@ercot.com by 3PM no later than one day prior to the PRS meeting
  • An email with a unique validation code will be sent to all PRS Standing Representatives and their designated Alternative Representatives, and non-standing representatives prior to the meeting
    • To allow validation of your login and ensure your ability to vote in the meeting as a representative of your company, please copy and paste your login given in the email when logging into the Webex
  • If you are using a phone for audio, please associate your phone to your name by using the "Call me" option (easiest) or the "Call in" option and enter your assigned Attendee ID when prompted
  • Use the Chat function to queue for comments/motions (not Raise Hand or commenting from the phone) – reply to Everyone
  • All votes will conducted via roll call



Antitrust Admonition

Martha Henson


Approval of Minutes (Vote)

Martha Henson

October 14, 2021


TAC Update

Martha Henson


Project Update

Troy Anderson


Urgency Vote(s) (Vote)

Martha Henson

NPRR1101, Create Non-Spin Deployment Groups made up of Generation Resources Providing Off-Line Non-Spinning Reserve and Load Resources that are Not Controllable Load Resources Providing Non-Spinning Reserve

NPRR1103, Securitization – PURA Subchapter M Default Charges

NPRR1104, As-Built Definition of Real Time Liability Extrapolated (RTLE)

NPRR1105, Option to Deploy Distribution Voltage Reduction Measures Prior to Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) (Waive Notice – Possible Vote)

NPRR1106, Deployment of Emergency Response Service (ERS) Prior to Declaration of Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) (Waive Notice – Possible Vote)

NPRR1107, Addition of Weatherization Inspection Fees to the ERCOT Fee Schedule and Clarification of Generation Interconnection Request Fees (Waive Notice – Possible Vote)

NPRR1108, ERCOT Shall Approve or Deny All Resource Outage Requests (Waive Notice – Possible Vote)

NPRR1109, Process for Reinstating Decommissioned Generation Resources (Waive Notice – Possible Vote)


Review PRS Reports, Impact Analyses, and Prioritization (Vote) (*) denotes no impact

Martha Henson

NPRR1077, Extension of Self-Limiting Facility Concept to Settlement Only Generators (SOGs) and Telemetry Requirements for SOGs

NPRR1095, Texas SET V5.0 Changes

NPRR1098, Direct Current Tie (DC Tie) Reactive Power Capability Requirements

SCR816, CRR Auction Bid Credit Enhancement

SCR817, Related to NPRR1095, MarkeTrak Validation Revisions Aligning with Texas SET V5.0


Revision Requests Tabled at PRS (Possible Vote)

Martha Henson

NPRR956, Designation of Providers of Transmission Additions

NPRR981, Day-Ahead Market Price Correction Process

NPRR1058, Resource Offer Modernization for Real-Time Co-Optimization

NPRR1067, Market Entry Qualifications, Continued Participation Requirements, and Credit Risk Assessment

NPRR1070, Planning Criteria for GTC Exit Solutions

NPRR1084, Improvements to Reporting of Resource Outages and Derates

NPRR1085, Ensuring Continuous Validity of Physical Responsive Capability (PRC) and Dispatch through Timely Changes to Resource Telemetry and Current Operating Plans (COPs)

NPRR1088, Applying Forward Adjustment Factors to Forward Market Positions and Un-applying Forward Adjustment Factors to Prior Market Positions

NPRR1089, Requiring Highest-Ranking Representative, Official, or Officer of a Resource Entity to Execute Weatherization and Natural Gas Declarations

NPRR1091, Changes to Address Market Impacts of Additional Non-Spin Procurement

NPRR1092, Remove RUC Offer Floor

NPRR1096, Require Sustained Six Hour Capability for ECRS and Non-Spin

NPRR1097, Create Resource Forced Outage Report

NPRR1099, Managing Network Operations Model Resource Nodes


Review of Revision Request Language (Vote)

Martha Henson

NPRR1100, Emergency Switching Solutions for Energy Storage Resources

NPRR1101, Create Non-Spin Deployment Groups made up of Generation Resources Providing Off-Line Non-Spinning Reserve and Load Resources that are Not Controllable Load Resources Providing Non-Spinning Reserve

NPRR1102, ERCOT Discretion for Adjusting Non-Interval Data Recorder (NIDR) Backcasted Load Profiles

SCR818, Changes to Incorporate GIC Modeling Data into Existing Modeling Applications


Other Business

Martha Henson


Martha Henson

Scheduled PRS Meetings

Key Documents

Jan 7, 2022 - docx - 75 KB
Nov 10, 2021 - xls - 147 KB
Nov 10, 2021 - xls - 155.5 KB
Nov 10, 2021 - xls - 154.5 KB
Nov 10, 2021 - xls - 154.5 KB
Nov 10, 2021 - xls - 154.5 KB
Nov 10, 2021 - xls - 143 KB
Nov 10, 2021 - xls - 142.5 KB
Nov 10, 2021 - xls - 154.5 KB
Nov 9, 2021 - doc - 84 KB
Nov 9, 2021 - pptx - 260.5 KB
Nov 9, 2021 - docx - 61.7 KB
Nov 9, 2021 - docx - 62.9 KB
Nov 9, 2021 - pptx - 54.6 KB
Nov 9, 2021 - pptx - 88 KB
Nov 10, 2021 - zip - 3.6 MB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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