TAC Meeting

November 30, 2017
09:30 AM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 206
Teleconference: 877-668-4493
Meeting number: 620 752 247
Meeting password: TAC



Antitrust Admonition

B. Helton

9:30 a.m.


Approval of TAC Meeting Minutes (Vote)

B. Helton

9:35 a.m.


September 28, 2017



ERCOT Board Update

B. Helton

9:40 a.m.


TAC Subcommittee Restructuring Discussion



PRS Report (Vote)

D. Coleman

9:50 a.m.


NPRR834, Clarifications for Repossessions of CRRs by ERCOT


NPRR839, Clarification of ERCOT Forwarding of Consumption and Other Data


NPRR843, Short-Term System Adequacy and AS Offer Disclosure Reports Additions


NPRR846, Allow Previously Committed ERS Resources to Participate in MRA Agreements and Other ERS Items



Revision Requests Previously Tabled by TAC (Possible Vote)

B. Helton

10:10 a.m.


Appeal of NOGRR149, Revision to Definition of Transmission Operator (Tabled until February 2018 TAC Meeting)


NPRR815, Revise the Limitation of Load Resources Providing Responsive Reserve (RRS) Service


Revisions to ERCOT Methodologies for Determining Minimum Ancillary Service Requirements


NPRR825, Require ERCOT to Issue a DC Tie Curtailment Notice Prior to Curtailing any DC Tie Load


VCMRR019, Verifiable Cost Process Clarification



Wholesale Market Subcommittee Report

J. Carpenter

10:40 a.m.


Reliability and Operations Subcommittee Report

A. Bern

11:00 a.m.


Commercial Operations Subcommittee Report

M. Trenary

11:20 a.m.


Retail Market Subcommittee Report

K. Scott

11:40 a.m.


ERCOT Reports


12:00 p.m.


2018 Ancillary Services Methodology (Vote)

N. Mago


Freeport Master Plan Project RPG Review (Possible Vote)

J. Billo


Proposed Bylaws Amendments Update – Stakeholder Feedback

V. Leady


Process for Implementing Protocol Changes for New RMR Substantive Rules

C. Mele



Other Business


12:25 p.m.


South Plains Project Update


Monthly Operational Overview Slides to the Board

K. Ogelman/D. Maggio


Changes to ERCOT Business Practices based on non-voting Stakeholder group Discussions




12:40 p.m.

Scheduled TAC Meetings

Key Documents

Nov 22, 2017 - doc - 105 KB
Nov 27, 2017 - doc - 176.5 KB
Nov 22, 2017 - zip - 295.6 KB
Nov 22, 2017 - zip - 5.3 MB
Nov 22, 2017 - ppt - 552.5 KB
Nov 27, 2017 - pptx - 323.3 KB
Nov 22, 2017 - zip - 783.2 KB
Nov 27, 2017 - ppt - 1.7 MB
Nov 30, 2017 - zip - 1.6 MB
Jan 15, 2018 - xls - 131 KB
Feb 12, 2018 - doc - 188.5 KB
Nov 27, 2017 - docx - 14.5 KB
Nov 30, 2017 - zip - 9.5 MB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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