PRS Meeting

December 01, 2016
11:00 AM
ERCOT Austin
8000 Metropolis (Building E), Suite 100
Austin, TX 78744
Room 206
Teleconference: 877-668-4493
Meeting number: 627 375 821
Meeting password: PRS



Antitrust Admonition

A. Frazier


Approval of Minutes (Vote)

November 10, 2016

A. Frazier


TAC and Board Reports

A. Frazier


Project Update and Summary of Project Priority List (PPL) Activity to Date

T. Anderson


Review PRS Reports, Impact Analyses, and Prioritization (Vote) (*) denotes no impact

NPRR794, Relocation of Unregistered DG Reporting Requirements*

NPRR805, Clarification for Multi-Month CRR Auction Offers*

NPRR806, Clarification for Designation of Capacity or Refund PCRRs*

A. Frazier


Review of Pending Project Priorities (Possible Vote)

T. Anderson


Revision Requests Tabled at PRS (Possible Vote)

NPRR562, Subsynchronous Resonance

NPRR697, Disclosure of Protected Information for Research and Coordination Purposes

NPRR768, Revisions to Real-Time On-Line Reliability Deployment Price Adder Categories

NPRR776, Voltage Set Point Communication

NPRR777, ERCOT-directed Dispatch of Price-Responsive Distributed Generation

NPRR796, Extended Character Set Clean Up

NPRR798, Additional CRR Accounts Request

NPRR799, Updates to Outages of Transmission Facilities

NPRR800, Revisions to Credit Exposure Calculations to Use Electricity Futures Market Prices

NPRR802, Settlements Clean-up

NPRR804, Remove Posting Requirement for One-Line Diagram

SCR785, Update RTL calculation to include Real-Time Reserve Price Adder based components

A. Frazier


Review of Revision Request Language (Vote)

NPRR807, Day-Ahead Market Price Correction

NPRR808, Three Year CRR Auction

NPRR809, GTC or GTL for New Generation Interconnection

A. Frazier


Other Business

Incorporation of Other Binding Documents into Protocols/Guides – Suggested Next Steps Spreadsheet

A. Frazier



A. Frazier

Scheduled PRS Meetings

Key Documents

Jan 24, 2017 - docx - 34.9 KB
Nov 23, 2016 - doc - 69 KB
Nov 23, 2016 - docx - 35.6 KB
Nov 28, 2016 - xlsx - 18.3 KB
Nov 30, 2016 - pptx - 49.8 KB
Nov 30, 2016 - zip - 7.4 MB
Dec 5, 2016 - pptx - 105.3 KB

All information is posted as Public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Corporate Standard.

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