Gas Electric Working Group

The Gas Electric Working Group (GEWG) serves as a forum for ERCOT, its stakeholders, and natural gas pipelines who serve natural gas-fired generation in the ERCOT region to engage in open dialog on issues pertaining to both electric generation and natural gas pipeline operations. The GEWG discusses topics such as natural gas pipeline maintenance impacts on electric generation potential, consideration of gas pipeline facility loads in TDSP load shed plans, and coordination of natural gas facilities pertaining to Black Start (including the ERCOT Black Start Gas Coordination Subgroup).

Any prospective Black Start Gas Coordination Subgroup(BSGCSG) member must sign the appropriate ERCOT Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), and receive approval from ERCOT. Contact ERCOT Legal at nda@ercot.com to ask questions or obtain a copy of the ERCOT NDA.

Contact Information

Chair: Jim Stevens

Vice Chair: Vacant

!  Send an email to this group: gewg@lists.ercot.com or Subscribe to this email list.

Scheduled Meetings and Meeting Details

There are currently no meetings scheduled for .