Regional Planning Group

The Regional Planning Group (RPG) provides the primary forum for discussion, input and comment on issues related to planning the ERCOT system for reliable and efficient operation. ERCOT staff leads the RPG, and membership is open to all market participants, transmission and distribution service providers, Public Utility Commission of Texas staff and other stakeholders. The members provide input into annual and special planning studies, review proposed transmission projects and provide comments to ERCOT's independent review of projects.

Contact Information

Chair: Robert Golen

Vice Chair: Ping Yan

!  Send an email to this group: regplangroup@lists.ercot.com or Subscribe to this email list.

Key Documents

Jan 23, 2023 - doc - 35 KB
RPG Charter and Procedures
This document describes the framework and goals of the ERCOT Regional Planning Group.
Jun 25, 2018 - docx - 217 KB