RTC+B Training Videos

The videos on this page have been created by ERCOT under the RTC+B Task Force to assist in market transition and readiness for existing QSE personnel.

As ERCOT and Market Participants prepare for transitioning to the RTC+B market design, there is the need to provide specific details to the market to help understand the key changes to business processes and systems.  The videos provided below should be regarded as a library of “market readiness content” that is being built over the coming months to help QSE personnel transition from current business processes and systems to the changes for RTC+B implementation.  ERCOT’s normal training content will also be updated in the future, but these videos serve as an intermediate bridge to help understand the transitional changes to the new market design.

RTC+B Settlement Overview
New Modified Market Submissions in RTC+B
Real-Time Co-optimization + Batteries Education
RTC Telemetry Changes