
Title Changing "Competitive Metering Working Group" to "Retail Metering Working Group"
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Status: Approved
Date Posted: Jan 15, 2015
Sponsor: Don Tucker on behalf of ERCOT
Urgent: No
Sections: 1.1, Competitive Metering Working Group (COMETWG) 1.1.1, Purpose 1.1.2, Scope 1.1.3, Roles and Responsibilities 1.1.4, Structure and Leadership Responsibilities 1.1.5, Membership and Meetings 1.1.6, COMETWG Distribution List 17.1, Introduction 17.3, Competitive Metering Working Group 17.4.1, Review and Posting of Competitive Metering Guide Revision Requests 17.4.2, Withdrawal of a Competitive Metering Guide Revision Request 17.4.3, Competitive Metering Working Group Review and Action 17.4.4, Comments to the Competitive Metering Working Group Recommendation Report 17.4.5, Impact Analysis for Competiitve Metering Guide Revision Request 17.4.6, Competitive Metering Working Group Review of Impact Analysis 17.4.7, Retail Market Subcommittee Review and Action 17.5, Appeal of Decision 17.6, Urgent Requests 18.2, Form Revision
Description: This Administrative Competitive Guide Revision Request (CMGRR) updates the Competitive Metering Guide (CMG) to reflect the renaming of the Competitive Metering Working Group (COMETWG) to the Retail Metering Working Group (RMWG).
Reason: To comply with TAC approval of the name change on June 7, 2007

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