
Title Section 4, Unplanned Outage Communication Process
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Status Approved on 09/07/2006
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
09/07/2006 TAC Approved (Project timeline for implementation of webpage posting will be managed under the project for SCR748, Website Enhancements for ERCOT Outage Notifications.)
08/22/2006 COPS Recommended for Approval TAC review
05/19/2006 CCWG Recommended for Approval COPS review

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
09/07/2006 TAC To approve as recommended by COPS. Passed
08/22/2006 COPS To recommend approval as revised by COPS Workshop comments. Passed
05/19/2006 CCWG


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Apr 6, 2006
Sponsor: Judy Briscoe on behalf of the COPS Communications Working Group
Urgent: No
Sections: 4
Description: To incorporate Section 4, Unplanned Outage Communication Process, into the Commercial Operations Market Guide. Section 4 documents the means by which ERCOT will communicate to the market during an unplanned outage event, including type and frequency of communication and escalation to stakeholder subcommittees, TAC and the Board, as necessary.
Reason: To fulfill one of the 2006 goals of the Commercial Operations Subcommittee (COPS) as established during its 2/14/06 meeting: that the COPS Communications Working Group (CCWG) will work with ERCOT staff to document and standardize communication flow around unplanned outage events.

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