
Title Synchronization of Commercial Operations Market Guide with PRR804, Revisions to Section 21 Appeal Process
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Status Approved on 09/03/2009
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
09/03/2009 TAC Approved
08/11/2009 COPS Recommended for Approval TAC consideration
07/28/2009 CCWG Recommended for Approval COPS consider CCWG Reccommendation Report and Impact Analysis
06/30/2009 CCWG Recommended for Approval CCWG consider the Recommendation Report and IA.

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
09/03/2009 TAC To approve COMPGRR014 as recommended by COPS in the 8/11/09 COPS Recommendation Report. Passed
08/11/2009 COPS To recommend approval of COPMGRR014 as recommended by CCWG in the 7/28/09 CCWG Recommendation Report Passed
07/28/2009 CCWG Consensus at CCWG to endorse and forward the CCWG Recommendation Report and the Impact Analysis for COPMGRR014 to COPS. Passed
06/30/2009 CCWG There was consensus at CCWG to recommend approval of COPMGRR)14 Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: May 14, 2009
Sponsor: Sonja B. Mingo
Urgent: No
Sections: 4, Process for Commercial Operations Market Guide Revision
Description: This Commercial Operations Market Guide Revision Request (COPMGRR) revises Section 4 to provide that if a motion to approve a revision request fails, the revision request shall be deemed rejected by the body considering it and subject to appeal, unless at the same meeting that body later votes to recommend approval, remand or refer the revision request. This COPMGRR also propose formatting and administrative changes.
Reason: This COPMGRR is being proposed to further define what an appealable event is in response to concerns expressed by the ERCOT Board.

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