
Title Market Participant Market Notice Process
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Status Approved on 08/05/2010
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
08/05/2010 TAC Approved
07/13/2010 COPS Recommended for Approval TAC consideration
06/24/2010 CCWG Recommended for Approval COPS consideration
05/27/2010 CCWG Recommended for Approval CCWG consider the Recommendation Report and Impact Analysis

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
08/05/2010 TAC To approve COPMGRR021 as amended by the 7/28/10 Tenaska comments. Passed
07/13/2010 COPS To recommend approval of COPMGRR021 as recommended by CCWG in the 6/24/10 CCWG Recommendation Report. Passed
06/24/2010 CCWG Consensus to endorse and forward the 5/27/10 CCWG Recommendation Report and the Impact Analysis for COPMGRR021 to COPS. Passed
05/27/2010 CCWG To recommend approval of COPMGRR020 as revised by CCWG. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Apr 12, 2010
Sponsor: Michelle Trenary on behalf of the COPS Communications Working Group (CCWG)
Urgent: No
Sections: 5, Market Notice Communication Process Appendix A, Market Notice Communication Process
Description: This Commercial Operations Market Guide Revision Request (COPMGRR) updates Section 5 and Appendix A to add a Market Participant Market Notice process for communicating Market Participant planned maintenance and unplanned system outages or business processing failures. Also included are updates to Section 5 and Appendix A to reflect the revisions made in COPMGRR019, Revisions for Texas Nodal Market Implementation and Synchronization with PRR821, Update of Section 21, Process for Protocol Revision.
Reason: Provides information concerning the Market Participant Market Notice process.

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