
Title New Profile Segment Development Cost Recovery Fee for a Non-ERCOT Sponsored Load Profile Segment and Conditional Approval of a New Profile Segment Request
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Status: Approved
Date Posted: Jul 1, 2003
Sponsor: Reliant
Urgent: No
Sections: LPG: 12; Protocols: 9.7.7, 18.2.9
Description: Make modifications to the Load Profiling Guides (LPG): To specify the procedure for providing cost recovery to a Market Participant for the development costs associated with a new profile segment request; To modify the procedure for reviewing new profile segment requests to allow for conditional approval.
Reason: In accordance with section §25.131 (e) (3) and PUCT Project 25516, Load Profiling and Load Research Rulemaking, "Within six months of the effective date of this section, ERCOT shall establish and implement a process to collect a fee from any REP who seeks to assign customers to a non-ERCOT sponsored profile. The process shall include a method for other REPs who use the profile to compensate the original requestor of the new profile and for ERCOT to notify TDUs which REPs are authorized to use the new profile. A TDU shall not, without authorization, assign a customer to a profile for which a REP or another person has paid the costs of developing the new profile."

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