
Title Profile Model Spreadsheets - Calendar Extension and Delete Unused Models
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Status Approved on 10/01/2009
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
10/01/2009 TAC Approved
09/08/2009 COPS Recommended for Approval TAC consideration
08/26/2009 PWG Recommended for Approval COPS consider the PWG Recommendation Report and IA
07/22/2009 PWG Recommended for Approval PWG consider the Recommendation Report and Impact Analysis

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
10/01/2009 TAC To approve LPGRR034 as recommended by COPS in the 9/8/09 COPS Recommendation Report. Passed
09/08/2009 COPS To recommend approval of LPGRR034as recommended by PWG in the 8/26/09 PWG Recommendation Report. Passed
08/26/2009 PWG Consensus to endorse and forward the 7/22/09 PWG Recommendation Report as revised by PWG and the Impact Analysis to COPS. Passed
07/22/2009 PWG PWG was in consensus to recommend approval of LPGRR034 as submitted. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Jun 24, 2009
Sponsor: Ernie Podraza on behalf of the Profiling Working Group (PWG)
Urgent: No
Sections: Appendix E: Profile Model Spreadsheets
Description: This Load Profiling Revision Request (LPGRR) replaces version 2.2 of the profile model spreadsheets in Appendix E, with version 2.3. This update extends the variables on the Calendar, Holidays, and Sun tabs of all applicable load profile model spreadsheets 10 years - from the current maximum of 2010 to 2020. The variables in question are used by ERCOT in the generation of forecasted and backcasted Load Profiles. This change also deletes the BUSIDRRG and RESIDRRG profile model spreadsheets, which were approved but never implemented due to changes in how Profile IDs are assigned for sites that have Advanced Metering.
Reason: To allow for the profile model spreadsheets to produce Load Profiles beyond 2010 and to delete unused profile model spreadsheets.