
Title Addition of Time Of Use Schedules (TOUS) to Profiles with Interval Data Recorder (IDR) Meter Data Type Codes for Advanced Meters
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Status Approved
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Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
11/05/2009 TAC Recommended for Approval Board consideration
10/13/2009 COPS Recommended for Approval TAC consideration

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
11/05/2009 TAC To approve LPGRR035 as recommended by COPS in the 10/13/09 COPS Recommendation Report. Passed
10/13/2009 COPS To recommend approval of LPGRR035 as amended by the 10/1/09 ERCOT comments. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Sep 14, 2009
Sponsor: Chris Rowley with TXU Energy
Urgent: Yes
Sections: Appendix D: Profile Decision Tree
Description: This LPGRR revises the Profile Decision Tree to include Profile IDs that allow Time Of Use Schedules (TOUS) for AMS meters. When 15-minute interval settlement begins for AMS meters, the meter data type codes for Electric Service Identifiers (ESI IDs) with AMS meters will be converted to Interval Data Recorders (IDRs). This request enables ESI IDs with AMS meters to have IDR meter data type codes and Oncor’s TOUS (TOU01, TOU02, and TOU13). It also allows AMS meters with Oncor TOUS to remain Non-Interval Data Recorder (Non-IDR) until such time as the proposed Profile IDs are implemented by ERCOT.
Reason: Retail Electric Providers (REPs) still need to receive the Time of Use (TOU) data on the 867_03s for their TOUS Customers, even after ERCOT begins settling on the 15-minute interval data for AMS meters. One of the stipulations in the Public Utility Commission (PUC) Final Order in Docket 35718, ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY LLC'S REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF ADVANCED METERING SYSTEM (AMS) DEPLOYMENT PLAN AND REQUEST FOR ADVANCED METERING SYSTEM (AMS) SURCHARGE is that they will continue to support their existing TOUS functionality.

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