
Title Administrative Changes for October 1, 2010 Load Profiling Guide
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Status: Approved
Date Posted: Aug 20, 2010
Sponsor: ERCOT
Urgent: No
Sections:, Non- Interval Data Recorder to Interval Data Recorder and Interval Data Recorder to Non-Interval Data Recorder 12.5, Groups of Electric Service Identifiers Eligible to Become Profile Segments 16, Supplemental Load Profiling 16.1, Load Profiling for Time-Of-Use Schedules 16.2.1, General Procedure 16.2.3, Responsibilities of the Competitive Retailer 16.2.4, ERCOT Responsibilities, Statistical Validity, Accuracy 17.2 Interval Data Recorder Requirement 17.4 Load Research Samples Acronyms and Glossary
Description: This Administrative Load Profiling Guide Revision Request (LPGRR) updates references to Protocol sections in the LPG as a result of ERCOT Board approval of Protocol Revision Request (PRR) 845, Definition for IDR Meters and Optional Removal of IDR Meters at a Premise Where an Advanced Meter Can be Provisioned, on 7/20/10; and also aligns with NPRR251, Synchronization of PRR845, Definition for IDR Meters and Optional Removal of IDR Meters at a Premise Where an Advanced Meter Can be Provisioned. Non-substantive administrative changes are also proposed such as correcting formatting and citations.
Reason: Administrative change to maintain the LPG consistency with Protocols as allowed by the LPG Section 2.1, Introduction.

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