
Title Nodal Operating Guides - Section 2, System Operations and Control Requirements
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Status Approved on 02/07/2008
Effective Dates

or per the Nodal Protocol Transition Plan http://www.ercot.com/mktrules/protocols (03/01/08 Nodal Operating Guide Library)


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
02/07/2008 TAC Approved
01/10/2008 ROS Recommended for Approval TAC consideration
10/24/2007 ROS Rejected ROS Reconsideration
10/05/2007 TAC Remanded ROS consideration of the ERCOT comments filed on 10/04/07
09/13/2007 ROS Recommended for Approval TAC consideration
08/22/2007 OWG Recommended for Approval ROS consideration
07/18/2007 OWG Recommended for Approval Impact Analysis Review

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
02/07/2008 TAC To approve NOGRR002 as amended by ROS comments, AVR Task Force comments, and as revised by TAC. Passed
01/10/2008 ROS ROS Comments Passed
10/24/2007 ROS ROS recommends to TAC the approval of NOGRR002 as revised by OGRTF comments dated October 16, 2007. Failed
10/05/2007 TAC To remand this NOGRR back to the ROS. Passed
09/13/2007 ROS To recommend approval of this NOGRR as recommended by the OWG. Passed
08/22/2007 OWG To forward the OWG Recommendation Report and IA to ROS for approval. Passed
07/18/2007 OWG OWG was in consensus to recommend approval of NOGRR002 as revised by OGRTF comments and as modified by OWG. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Jun 21, 2007
Sponsor: Operating Guides Revision Task Force (OGRTF)
Urgent: No
Sections: 2
Description: This Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) proposes language for Section 2 of the Nodal Operating Guides.
Reason: Texas Nodal Market Implementation

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