
Title Daily Report Containing Loss of Generation Greater than 450 MW
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Status Approved on 03/22/2011
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
03/22/2011 BODNOM Approved
02/03/2011 TAC Recommended for Approval ERCOT Board Consideration
01/13/2011 ROS Recommended for Approval TAC Consideration

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
03/22/2011 BODNOM To approve NOGRR057 as recommended by TAC in the 2/3/11 TAC Report. Passed
02/03/2011 TAC To recommend approval of NOGRR057 as revised by TAC Passed
01/13/2011 ROS To recommend approval of NOGRR057 as revised by ROS Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Jan 6, 2011
Sponsor: LCRA
Urgent: Yes
Sections: 9.4.3
Description: This Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) adds a requirement for ERCOT to post loss of generation greater than 450 MW.
Reason: The monthly work of the PDCWG and the Market Participants to effectively review and analyze all generation trips is delayed due to the current requirement for ERCOT to provide a monthly listing of the requested generation trip events by the chair of the PDCWG. The Market Participants, since Nodal Go-Live, do not have a reporting log from ERCOT to know, on a daily basis, what units may have tripped the day before. This reinstated log will provide knowledge that will assist Market Participants to do timely evaluations of their unit performances, rather than a hurried evaluation after the PDCWG unit trip listings once a month.

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