
Title Clarified Responsible Entities for Reporting Sabotage Information to NERC
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Status Approved on 12/01/2011
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
12/01/2011 TAC Approved
10/06/2011 TAC Deferred/Tabled TAC consideration
09/01/2011 TAC Deferred/Tabled TAC consideration
08/11/2011 ROS Recommended for Approval TAC consideration
07/20/2011 OWG Recommended for Approval ROS consideration
06/15/2011 OWG Recommended for Approval OWG review the IA.

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
12/01/2011 TAC To approve NOGRR074 as recommended by ROS in the 8/11/11 ROS Report, as amended by the 11/23/11 ERCOT comments and as revised by TAC. Passed
10/06/2011 TAC To table NOGRR074. Passed
09/01/2011 TAC To table NOGRR074 for one month. Passed
08/11/2011 ROS To recommend approval of NOGRR074 as recommended by OWG in the 7/20/11 OWG Report. Passed
07/20/2011 OWG Consensus to endorse and forward the 6/15/11 OWG Report and Impact Analysis for NOGRR074 to ROS. Passed
06/15/2011 OWG Consensus to recommend approval of NOGRR074 as amended by the 6/14/11 CenterPoint Energy comments and as revised by OWG. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: May 18, 2011
Sponsor: Frank Owens on Behalf of the Nodal Protocol and Guides Resolution Task Force (NPGRTF)
Urgent: No
Sections: 3.7.3, 3.7.4, 3.8
Description: This Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) adds Entities responsible for notifying North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) or other governmental agencies of a threat of sabotage.
Reason: Transmission Service Providers (TSPs), Qualified Scheduling Entities (QSEs) and other registered Entities are currently required to report experiences of disturbances or unusual occurrences suspected or determined to be caused by sabotage as described in the NERC Reliability Standards. For consistency, this NOGRR would require those Entities to also report any threat of sabotage.

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