
Title Daily Grid Operations Summary Report
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Status Approved on 05/15/2012
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
05/15/2012 BOARD Approved
04/05/2012 TAC Recommended for Approval ERCOT Board for consideration.
03/22/2012 PRS Recommended for Approval TAC for consideration.
03/08/2012 ROS Recommended for Approval PRS for consideration of priority and rank.
02/15/2012 OWG Recommended for Approval ROS for consideration.
01/30/2012 OWG Deferred/Tabled OWG for consideration.
12/14/2011 OWG Recommended for Approval OWG for Impact Analysis review.
11/14/2011 OWG Deferred/Tabled OWG for consideration.

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
05/15/2012 BOARD To approve NOGRR084 as recommended by TAC in the 4/5/12 TAC Report. Passed
04/05/2012 TAC To recommend approval of NOGRR084 as recommended by ROS in the 3/8/12 ROS Report. Passed
03/22/2012 PRS To recommend a priority of 2012 and rank of 680 for NOGRR084 as recommended by ROS in the 3/8/12 ROS Report. Passed
03/08/2012 ROS To to recommend approval of NOGRR084 as recommended by OWG in the 2/15/12 OWG Report and as revised by ROS and to recommend a priority of 2012 and rank of 680 to NOGRR084. Passed
02/15/2012 OWG Consensus to recommend approval of NOGRR084 as recommended by OWG in the 12/14/11 OWG Report, as amended by the 2/14/12 MIS User Group comments and as revised by OWG and to forward NOGRR084 to ROS.
01/30/2012 OWG To table NOGRR084 for one month.
12/14/2011 OWG Consensus to recommend approval of NOGRR084 as amended by the 11/14/11 QMWG comments and as revised by OWG.
11/14/2011 OWG Consensus to table NOGRR084 for one month.


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Oct 27, 2011
Sponsor: Jackie Ashbaugh on behalf of the MIS User Group
Urgent: No
Sections: 9.3.10 (new)
Description: This Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) creates a summary level report of daily operational information to be posted on the Market Information System (MIS) Public Area.
Reason: This NOGRR creates a report that will provide summary level data of the daily operations information which is currently provided hourly or more frequently for which the downloading of this data is extremely cumbersome. Restores visibility of operational data which was provided in the zonal market.

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