
Title Type 2 Special Protection System Submissions
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Status Rejected on 11/01/2012


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
11/01/2012 TAC Rejected
07/09/2012 TAC Deferred/Tabled TAC
06/28/2012 TAC Deferred/Tabled TAC consideration
06/14/2012 ROS Recommended for Approval TAC consideration
05/16/2012 OWG Recommended for Approval OWG review the IA

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
11/01/2012 TAC To reject NOGRR095 and request that ERCOT pursue a resolution by developing a Regional Reliability Standard or ERCOT Regional Variance. Passed
07/09/2012 TAC To table NOGRR095 and refer the issue to ROS. Passed
06/28/2012 TAC To table NOGRR095. All Market Segments were present for the vote.
06/14/2012 ROS To endorse and forward the 5/16/12 OWG Report as amended by the 6/11/12 CenterPoint comments and as revised by ROS and Impact Analysis for NOGRR095 to TAC. Passed
05/16/2012 OWG In consensus to recommend approval of NOGRR095 as revised by OWG. Passed


Status: Rejected
Date Posted: May 10, 2012
Sponsor: Calpine
Urgent: Yes
Sections: 6.2.2
Description: This NOGRR revises paragraph (13) of Section 6.2.2 to state that non-TSP equipment owners may submit Type 2 SPS proposals to ERCOT.
Reason: This NOGRR will allow non-TSP equipment owners the ability to propose SPSs which will protect the Facilities of the equipment owner.

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