
Title Phasor Measurement
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Status Approved on 05/28/2015
Effective Dates


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
05/28/2015 TAC Approved
05/07/2015 ROS Recommended for Approval Revision Request Consideration
04/23/2015 OWG Recommended for Approval Revision Request Consideration
03/19/2015 OWG Deferred/Tabled Impact Analysis Consideration
02/19/2015 OWG Recommended for Approval Impact Analysis Consideration
01/26/2015 OWG Deferred/Tabled Language Consideration

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
05/28/2015 TAC To approve NOGRR142 as recommended by ROS in the 5/7/15 ROS Report and as amended by the 5/21/15 ERCOT comments. Passed
05/07/2015 ROS To recommend approval of NOGRR142 as recommended by OWG in the 4/23/15 OWG Report and revised by ROS. Passed
04/23/2015 OWG To endorse and forward to ROS the 3/19/15 OWG Report and Impact Analysis for NOGRR142. Passed
03/19/2015 OWG To table NOGRR142 for one month. Passed
02/19/2015 OWG To recommend approval of NOGRR142 as amended by the 1/27/15 Calpine comments. Passed
01/26/2015 OWG To table NOGRR142 for one month. Passed


Status: Approved
Date Posted: Dec 17, 2014
Sponsor: PMTF
Urgent: No
Sections: 6.1.3,,,,
Description: This Nodal Operating Guide Revision Request (NOGRR) represents the consensus recommendation of the Phasor Measurement Task Force (PMTF) as the binding language required to meet the top three synchrophasor use cases identified by ERCOT staff and the PMTF as having merit in the ERCOT region.
Reason: Address current operational issues, meets strategic goals, and helps meet regulatory requirements.

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